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The Guanchen

7 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Spanien, Guanchen, Canary Islands ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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The Guanchen

30.03.2006 um 11:18
French conquerors landed on the Canary islands in 1406. You met fair-skinned people of ahigh growth there who regarded themselves as the only survivors to the Sinflut: theGuanchen.

In later time Spanish conquerors came onto the archipelago and thesewondered very much, there to find a kind of people which was whiter than thereinblütigste Kastilier. All the natives were massacred by the Europeans.

Theretherefore aren't any descendants of these tall people today whose average size amountedto 1.84 metres on the island of Fuerteventura. How were the Celts the Guanchen gently andhospitably, anyway loved they her liberty about everything and preferred the death of theslavery?

The Atlanter stands behind the Egyptian, the Libyan, the Guanchen andthe Maya, even P. Couteaud meant Les Atlantes in Chez that way and added that theEgyptians shall have come from a country once in the west. Should the Guanchen survivorsof Atlantis and the real descendants of the people of Poseidonis be?

One isinclined to believe inclined, this if one compares her rites and customs with those ofthe Atlantic half-breeds, that is the Celts, Egyptian, Mexican and Persuaner. There areinnumerable agreements, this one this acceptance harden.

Wer also allgemeine Aufklärung verbreitet, verschafft zugleich eben dadurch allgemeine wechselseitige Sicherheit, und allgemeine Aufklärung und Sicherheit machen Fürsten und Staaten entbehrlich. Oder wozu braucht man sie sodann?

reed ehemaliges Mitglied

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The Guanchen

30.03.2006 um 22:46
here is a bit of information :

Wikipedia: Guanches

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud


The Guanchen

07.11.2006 um 19:17
is reinbütigst ment like pedigreed?


The Guanchen

11.11.2006 um 22:02
I live in the South America, exist pirâmedes here fantastic, mainly in highlands and ofdifficult access. I believe to have very occurred an Egyptian settling of America beforethe Spaniard having conquered the new world.


The Guanchen

23.11.2006 um 20:14
interesting. but sad that the spanish conquerer just killed them all instead of analystheir way of life.

just fuckin bastards


The Guanchen

03.11.2013 um 03:38
Guanches is the right word – NOT Guanchen!
Wikipedia: Guanches

I've seen some descendants of the Guanches on the Canary Islands during a long stay there. They have been mixed up with the Spanish conquerors, so not all were extinguished as some folks say.


The Guanchen

14.11.2013 um 21:44
Is there any Country the Spanisch did invade without trying to kill the native Inhabitants?
In Mexico i learned that it didnt work there. they forced the indigene Population to take over their Religion and so on, but when you look on the genetics of the People living in Mexico nowadays, youll see that they are still Aztec and Mayan.
It will be the same on the Canary Islands. Reason Number one: Whenever a Man conquers a foreign Land, he prefers to have Sex with the indigene Women than killing them. Simple as that.
