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Quotations, sayings...

89 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Thinking, Opinion, Pensiveness ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Quotations, sayings...

30.11.2013 um 18:27
'well i'm confident, your suspicions are wrong, sergeant. we don't commit murder here. we're deeply religious people'

(lord summerisle, 'the wicker man')


Quotations, sayings...

20.12.2013 um 14:03
He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.

George Bernard Shaw

It's a criticism of the teaching profession, portraying it as second best but can also perceived in a more common way, like I do.

Here is another one, which makes it more clear...

A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry.

George Bernard Shaw

I love Shaw :lv:


Quotations, sayings...

22.12.2013 um 02:12
'we talk about it for 20 minutes, and then we decide, that i was right'

(brian clough)


Quotations, sayings...

29.12.2013 um 02:54
Bullshit i bet you could suck a golfball through a garden hose!

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman


Quotations, sayings...

04.01.2014 um 18:35
' i party my way through life, it's what i like to do. i'm even partying right now, only i'm doing it on my back. booze is definitely good for your voice, it greases the whistle'

(shane mc gowan)


Quotations, sayings...

13.01.2014 um 09:57
1555383 248570958645144 764810314 n


Quotations, sayings...

14.01.2014 um 00:15
'even if i could walk over water, the pundits would give out to me for being too lazy to swim'

(bertie vogts)


Quotations, sayings...

14.01.2014 um 01:22
quote-Marcus-Aurelius-because-a-thing-seOriginal anzeigen (0,8 MB)

in other words



Quotations, sayings...

14.01.2014 um 13:30
Now I will quote myself:

Considering that with an increasing understanding of the human nature, the ability to deal with people is getting better, it wanes the need for it also. This to the same extent as the ability to it grows. That's what I call a real dilemma!

CruentumVerum (2014)

In case I did grammar mistakes, feel free to correct me please, because I'm not sure about that. And this is the reason why I've quoted myself here also. Thanks...


Quotations, sayings...

14.01.2014 um 13:53
@Banana_Joe: there is only a comma needed between 'considering' and 'that', apart from that, it looks alright :)


Quotations, sayings...

14.01.2014 um 13:53

Thank you :)

PS: I will make an exception for you. I mean concerning the dilemma :D


Quotations, sayings...

14.01.2014 um 14:09
@Banana_Joe: thanks, very much appreciated :)

'She had a face on her, that would drive rats from a barn' (Podge and Rodge)


Quotations, sayings...

17.01.2014 um 20:18
A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
Bob Hope

So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?
Ayn Rand


Quotations, sayings...

17.01.2014 um 21:19
'aim for the sky and you will reach the ceiling. aim for the ceiling and you will stay on the floor'

(bill shankly, famous liverpool fc manager)


Quotations, sayings...

22.01.2014 um 16:39
Only a fool would interpret a woman's kindness as their weakness also. Instead, it's one of the deadliest weapons you can imagine.

CruentumVerum (2014)


Quotations, sayings...

22.01.2014 um 18:40
'i am not hard of hearing, i just ignore you' :D

azerate (2014)


Quotations, sayings...

23.01.2014 um 18:39
Currently my favorite:

"Life does not start or end at your convenience, you miserable piece of shit."

Walter J. Kupchak, The Big Lebowski


Quotations, sayings...

24.01.2014 um 00:34
' i have had 14 bookings this season. 8 of which were my fault, but 7 of which were disputable'

(paul gascoine, footballer and maths genius)


Quotations, sayings...

25.01.2014 um 09:48


Quotations, sayings...

26.01.2014 um 18:03
'i could not settle in italy, it was like living in a foreign country'

(ian rush)
