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Solar eclipse or black Sun

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Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 13:19
Link: en.wikipedia.org (external)

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes in front of the Sun and obscures it totallyor partially. This configuration can only occur at New Moon, when the Sun and Moon are inconjunction, as seen from Earth. A total solar eclipse is considered by many to be themost spectacular natural phenomenon that one can observe.

Sonnenfinsternis252031 Mai2520Digi

Historical solareclipses

A solar eclipse of 15 June 763 BC mentioned in an Assyrian text isimportant for the Chronology of the Ancient Orient. This is the earliest solar eclipsementioned in historical sources that has been identified beyond reasonable doubt. Therehave been other claims to date earlier eclipses, notably that of Mursili II (likely 1312BC), in Babylonia, and also in China, but these are highly disputed and rely on muchsupposition. For a discussion, see Stephenson (1997).

Herodotus wrote thatThales of Milete predicted an eclipse which occurred during a war between the Medians andthe Lydians. Soldiers on both sides put down their weapons and declared peace as a resultof the eclipse. Exactly which eclipse was involved has remained uncertain, although theissue has been studied by hundreds of ancient and modern authorities. One likelycandidate took place on May 28, 585 BC, probably near the Halys river in the middle ofmodern Turkey.

An annular eclipse of the Sun occurred at Sardis on February 17,478 BC, while Xerxes was departing for his expedition against Greece, as Herodotus, VII,37 recorded ([Hind and Chambers, 1889: 323] considered this absolute date more than acentury ago). Herodotus (book IX, 10, book VIII, 131, and book IX, 1) reports thatanother solar eclipse was observed in Sparta during the next year, on August 1, 477 BC.The sky suddenly darkened in the middle of the sky, well after the battles of Thermopylaeand Salamis, after the departure of Mardonius to Thessaly at the beginning of the springof (477 BC) and his second attack on Athens, after the return of Cleombrotus to Sparta.Note that the modern conventional dates are different by a year or two, and that thesetwo eclipse records have been ignored so far.


2002-12-04T113624Z 01 NOOTR RTRIDSP 2 OD

At 1989 in Africa many people think that is the End of days.
And fight vs. another religion.

Gefangener des Hochsicherheitstraktes der Jugendanstalt für User aus dem Forum www.allmystery.de

-=CIA=- *|CduS|*


Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 13:36
what about today?


Take my Hand Darling and don´t be afraid

I just wanna decorate the walls with your brain.


Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 13:49
Today u can see it only in the Turkey? Or is it at another places viewable?

....Unablässig von Blut getränkt,ist die ganze Erde ein riesiger Altar,worauf alles,was Leben hat,geopfert werden muß, endlos, unablässig.



Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 14:02
the weatherforecast didnt make good prognoses

Take my Hand Darling and don´t be afraid

I just wanna decorate the walls with your brain.


Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 14:27
Lol......sure? The forecasts for Berlin r very accurate.

....Unablässig von Blut getränkt,ist die ganze Erde ein riesiger Altar,worauf alles,was Leben hat,geopfert werden muß, endlos, unablässig.



Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 14:32
i think its already over.

Take my Hand Darling and don´t be afraid

I just wanna decorate the walls with your brain.


Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 14:34
Jap...whitch time should it happend?

....Unablässig von Blut getränkt,ist die ganze Erde ein riesiger Altar,worauf alles,was Leben hat,geopfert werden muß, endlos, unablässig.



Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 14:35
12 pm

Take my Hand Darling and don´t be afraid

I just wanna decorate the walls with your brain.


Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 14:43
ok...too late :)..it wasn´t dark here at this time...but cold.

....Unablässig von Blut getränkt,ist die ganze Erde ein riesiger Altar,worauf alles,was Leben hat,geopfert werden muß, endlos, unablässig.



Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 14:47
it was too cloudy here

Take my Hand Darling and don´t be afraid

I just wanna decorate the walls with your brain.


Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 15:46
thats really cool

Ich hasste die Schule,Und sie hasste mich,Kamikaze,Doch ich bereue nichts!!


Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 20:34
and you are uncool

Take my Hand Darling and don´t be afraid

I just wanna decorate the walls with your brain.


Solar eclipse or black Sun

29.03.2006 um 23:34
Didn't see anything :(

"Cool. Das ist wie Speed 2. Nur mit einem Bus statt einem Boot!"


Solar eclipse or black Sun

30.03.2006 um 13:38
By me are clouds on the sky I didn't see the Black sun :(

Ich glaube einfach an die Aufklärung, daran, dass man Menschen überzeugen kann durch Argumente.
-=CIA=- *|CduS|*


Solar eclipse or black Sun

30.03.2006 um 17:59
damn i missed it

"I am, what you fear the most"-.-

"From now on we will not say that the Greeks fight like Heroes, but that Heroes fight like Greeks"(Winston Churchill)


Solar eclipse or black Sun

01.04.2006 um 09:36
when will it happen again?

Take my Hand Darling and don´t be afraid

I just wanna decorate the walls with your brain.
