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The fastest way to practice your english

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The fastest way to practice your english

30.03.2006 um 19:27
I think most of 'us' are 'noobs' somehow, ne ;o)

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...


The fastest way to practice your english

30.03.2006 um 19:31
well, i'm not......

RoCk oN FuCkerzZ

۞We hide behind the crimson door...look, and you'll understand...۞


The fastest way to practice your english

30.03.2006 um 19:32
So? ;)

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...


The fastest way to practice your english

30.03.2006 um 19:37
..................let's come to and end with this conversation..PLEEEASE.... i'm gettin'a headache...

RoCk oN FuCkerzZ

۞We hide behind the crimson door...look, and you'll understand...۞


The fastest way to practice your english

30.03.2006 um 22:03
>>If you really want to learn english you can do it without anydictionarys...<<
well... you can learn everything autodidactically...

"Wer nicht begreifen kann, daß die Welt nicht anders als zwecklos sein kann, den frage, ob das Allegro einer Symphonie das Adagio zum Zweck habe oder ob das ganze Werk des Schlußakkords wegen da sei."(Walter Rathenau)

(Wer das nicht checkt soll mal in oxayotel`s sig nachschaun!)


The fastest way to practice your english

31.03.2006 um 18:37
I don´t mean without dictionarys, because it´s impossible^^

I mean you must,ähhh talk with english people, but not with american they´ve got a stupid, was heißt"akzent" ?

Faites vos devoirs, preux chevaliers!


The fastest way to practice your english

31.03.2006 um 19:06
you're stupid gladiator!

Ich hasste die Schule,Und sie hasste mich,Kamikaze,Doch ich bereue nichts!!

reed ehemaliges Mitglied

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The fastest way to practice your english

31.03.2006 um 19:18
first of all it is 'dictionairies' and not dictionarys.

second, akzent - accent.

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud


The fastest way to practice your english

31.03.2006 um 20:36
The fastest way to practice your english

chat with englich speakin' guys

HA,HA,HA, du hast gerade Spam gelesen :D



The fastest way to practice your english

31.03.2006 um 20:44
yeah right!;)
or sing, that's a practice 2:)

Tatsachen schafft man nicht dadurch aus der Welt, daß man sie ignoriert. A. Huxley
-----We R living in this broken world, cos each of us is entrusted with a certain task^^ That's why! ;)
"Gib Worte deinem Schmerz. Gram, der nicht spricht, presst das beladne Herz, bis dass es bricht." Shakespeare


The fastest way to practice your english

31.03.2006 um 20:50

"The fastest way"

Confound an Irish with an englishman
and you wouldlearn many nice words.
bevor you say civil war. :-)

"Wo alle verurteilen, muss man prüfen und wo alle loben, auch."
Definitely Maybe :}


The fastest way to practice your english

31.03.2006 um 21:04

If you have some basic knowledge you should watch English dvds withEnglish subtitles.

The best way to learn English is always talking to peoplewhose first language is English. I speak from my own experience here.

For anadvanced learner I would suggest reading the "Oxford dictionary" and for any problemsvisit http://dict.leo.org (attention: no www. !)



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The fastest way to practice your english

01.04.2006 um 09:47
kyria, everything you have mentioned, we already have talked about.
perhaps, firstreading, then writing

so far so good, youre right in one point, talking toenglish- speaking people
improves your language very much.
I can tell by my ownexperience :)

I think leo is good, but alot of words are old, and not the firstresult could be the word you need, or which is suitable for what you want to say.

retranlate to go sure:
http://freetranslation.imtranslator.net/ (Archiv-Version vom 07.04.2006)

Take my Hand Darling and don´t be afraid

I just wanna decorate the walls with your brain.


The fastest way to practice your english

01.04.2006 um 15:07

I have read before, just wanted to point it out once again, plussomeone said watching German dvd with English subtitle would be good and when you arebetter English dvd with German subtitle... that's why I said English with Englishsubtitle if you have a basic knowledgement... And the leo address that was given beforewas wrong, so I added the right one... maybe you yourself should read first and thenpost.



Die Zukunft wirst du nie erleben, denn in dem Moment da du meinst die Zukunft zu erleben ist diese bereits lebhafte Gegenwart um sich dann in unnahbare Vergangenheit zu wandeln.
Mit unserem Leben bezahlen wir, dass wir leben.


The fastest way to practice your english

01.04.2006 um 15:08
And btw... I've never had problems with Leo... if so you take your oxford and reread theword you think you would use... there is always an example on right usage... plus theforums @ leo help a lot.

Die Zukunft wirst du nie erleben, denn in dem Moment da du meinst die Zukunft zu erleben ist diese bereits lebhafte Gegenwart um sich dann in unnahbare Vergangenheit zu wandeln.
Mit unserem Leben bezahlen wir, dass wir leben.


The fastest way to practice your english

01.04.2006 um 15:18
Just tested your link, Doktore, ... is about the same bad at grammar and stuff like thatlike babel... well I guess those programs are only good for single words or assistance insentences...

Die Zukunft wirst du nie erleben, denn in dem Moment da du meinst die Zukunft zu erleben ist diese bereits lebhafte Gegenwart um sich dann in unnahbare Vergangenheit zu wandeln.
Mit unserem Leben bezahlen wir, dass wir leben.


The fastest way to practice your english

01.04.2006 um 19:01
"you're stupid gladiator!"

I see, you really love this language!

Faites vos devoirs, preux chevaliers!


The fastest way to practice your english

01.04.2006 um 19:31
ha,ha,ha WORD !

HA,HA,HA, du hast gerade Spam gelesen :D



The fastest way to practice your english

03.04.2006 um 19:55
yeah well if it's a longer text u wanna get translated all of those internet-translaterswon't really work.. cause how should this thingy know what exactly u mean? XD but yeah..i think the best way of learning english is by watching dvds in english with englishsubtitles.. and a good one is to maybe chat with people that speak english.. *improved alot with that one* cause then u can learn it like it's spoken just now. ^^

Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game!


The fastest way to practice your english

03.04.2006 um 20:35
well, sometimes they have a few good translations... but look, things like "Er sagte" istranslated to "It said" ... I mean... huh????!!!!

Die Zukunft wirst du nie erleben, denn in dem Moment da du meinst die Zukunft zu erleben ist diese bereits lebhafte Gegenwart um sich dann in unnahbare Vergangenheit zu wandeln.
Mit unserem Leben bezahlen wir, dass wir leben.
