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Eerie Helicopters Circle at Night...

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tasmania Diskussionsleiter
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Eerie Helicopters Circle at Night...

29.03.2006 um 03:37
I don't know about where everyone else lives, but here in Oklahoma City, at least in thelast two years I've lived here, I have noticed an increasingly number of helicopters thatcircle and often hover right over my apartment complex.

Not just mine, though. Imoved about a year ago to a different location within the same city, and they do the samething here, but more and more frequently.

I also, when I hear them fading away,look and see that they are just doing the same thing in another part of the city.

I started wondering about them, and tried to research them on Google. But came upwith nothing more than they are starting new training programs, and the students arelearning the grid of the city.

I'm starting to think that that is not reasonenough for all the money it must cost for fuel and maintenance, and the manpower it mustinvolve to keep them up every single night - from the time the sun goes down until thetime it rises.

What does any other members know or think of this.

And,does this occur in other cities and countries around the world? If so, how long has itbeen going on?


Eerie Helicopters Circle at Night...

29.03.2006 um 13:14
>>What does any other members know or think of this.

I know nothing about helosat your Area, cuz I heard about black helicopters in other towns in America...can u takesome pictures?

....Unablässig von Blut getränkt,ist die ganze Erde ein riesiger Altar,worauf alles,was Leben hat,geopfert werden muß, endlos, unablässig.



Eerie Helicopters Circle at Night...

29.03.2006 um 15:32
I do not know what they do in your city...
The can search somebody, but that all thetime?

Maybe they practice there?
is there a"helicopter-station" near by?

And sorry, my English is not very good, i know.;)

Wunschdenken bitte hier anwenden, danke.


Eerie Helicopters Circle at Night...

29.03.2006 um 20:34
maybe the CIA

Take my Hand Darling and don´t be afraid

I just wanna decorate the walls with your brain.


Eerie Helicopters Circle at Night...

25.07.2006 um 08:31
hey i dont know if its the same...i live in Tokyo and the us naval base does the samethin~the name of the base is Atsugi.


Eerie Helicopters Circle at Night...

11.09.2006 um 21:57
Hi Tasmania, it is a real strange thing. We have the same thing going on in Naples, FL.where i live from Christmas 'till April. The other time i live in Pennsylvania and icannot say that i ever observed it there.
Mystery, Mystery, Mystery. There goes yourfreedom, there goes your privacy.
Somebody i talked to speculated that they aremaking pictures of the areas to
put them on the internet.


Eerie Helicopters Circle at Night...

07.11.2006 um 19:14
u have privacy in USA? ;)


Eerie Helicopters Circle at Night...

22.11.2006 um 14:30

i think royalb is right. they are just making some kind of measurement orsomething.
