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The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

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The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

29.03.2006 um 23:47
Seeing this enlarged picture it's quite possible that Darth Vader himself killedKennedy

"Cool. Das ist wie Speed 2. Nur mit einem Bus statt einem Boot!"


The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

30.03.2006 um 18:03
when you watch the footage you'll see the the driver turns his heade AFTER the shot wasfired

"I am, what you fear the most"-.-

"From now on we will not say that the Greeks fight like Heroes, but that Heroes fight like Greeks"(Winston Churchill)


The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

30.03.2006 um 18:03

"I am, what you fear the most"-.-

"From now on we will not say that the Greeks fight like Heroes, but that Heroes fight like Greeks"(Winston Churchill)

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The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

30.03.2006 um 22:49
and just how exactly did the 'driver' kill kennedy??

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud


The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

31.03.2006 um 14:47
there are soooo many conspirations about the secret services all over the word have wantto kill kennedy.

an so many people think the cia or what ever have order thekilling jfk.

some people think, the driver was involved in the conspiration.

but i don't think so.

sorry for my bad english.thx

Wache: “Eure Pferde sind Kokosnüsse.“
Arthus: „Was?“
Wache: „Euer Diener nimmt 2 Kokosnusshälften und schlägt sie gegeneinander.“
Arthus : „Wir sind in der Energiekrise! Was soll ich machen, wenn die Mohren kein Öl mehr liefern!“


The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

31.03.2006 um 15:25
Well it's a quite physically proven fact that Lee Harvey Oswald could not be the murdererof JFK. He has had to shoot several bullets in less than a few seconds. The secondamazing fact is some of the bullets that penetrated jfk's body described a strange curve.

Er versprach mir soviel Gold wie ich nur essen konnte!



The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

17.11.2006 um 14:09
i see pixel wars but nothing else


The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

22.11.2006 um 14:26
the only thing that i see, and i´m not quite sure that i see it, is that the driver turnshis head. and when he shot kennedy in the head why didn´t the senator and his wiferemembered that after the assasination? i mean they were sitting right between the driverand jfk oO


The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

20.01.2007 um 00:42
You must look at the Z film in slow motion or frame by frame and you will see that whatyou think is a gun, is the sun reflecting off the hair of the agent riding shot gun.


The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

21.01.2007 um 22:58
hmm i watched it several times. but no there is no gun.


The driver DID shoot JFK in the head !

10.02.2007 um 12:37
Right, thats because there is none, it the reflection of the sun on the head of thesecret service man riding in the passanger seat.
