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Do Greys abduct for a reason?

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l.g.m. Diskussionsleiter
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Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.03.2006 um 03:13
Do Greys target certain Humans for abduction or do they just pick at random ??

Does it have to be someone "special" for them to abduct ? or is it the "luck of thedraw" so to speak.

If they target certain Humans then why do they do that ?? forwhat reason ?? what purpose does it serve ? is it their special DNA that the Greys want ?

Maybe the abductee has PSI powers that attract the Greys ??

if someonehas NOT been abducted is there a reason ?? are they too inferior for the abduction ?? dothey have "bad DNA" ?? are they considered worthless by the Greys ??

looking for more 2 cents on this......8)


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.03.2006 um 03:17
I think some are random and some are selected.

Random ones just for samples andexperiments and whatnot. Selected ones for other motives. Example, abduct a totaldisbeliever and give him a message to spread. I'd be more inclined to listen to a friendwho's always knocked my interest in the subject if he suddenly came to me with anabduction story.

oneil ehemaliges Mitglied

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Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.03.2006 um 03:17
It would be interesting to collect a DNA sample of people who claim they have beenabducted and take a DNA sample of people who haven't and compare them.

Right,who's got a DNA sampling kit? :D


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.03.2006 um 03:18
I can't remember where i read it or who the author was, but the author mentioned thatwhen the information from all the abductee's were collected. The main item that was seenas being close or near the same was that 95% of the alien abductee's (just trying toremember off the top of my head) were either atheist or did not have claim to belong toany religion

l.g.m. Diskussionsleiter
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Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.03.2006 um 03:19
I'm not sure if it's random, I believe people are picked for some reason or another,maybe to help them for whatever there agenda is.
Or maybe they do it for fun whenthey've had a few too many Alien Beers and it's like shooting fish in a barrel for them.

oneil ehemaliges Mitglied

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Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.03.2006 um 03:24
I believe the only time abductions are randon are in cases where humans come upon alanded alien craft or happen to get close in some other respect. Other than that Ibelieve most are specific people that are abducted several times throughout life as partof an ongoing study.

I'm not 100% covinced of abduction scenarios but I'mdefinitely +50% on the belief side. I also believe anyone that wants to get abducted hasa serious problem and should seek mental help.


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

30.03.2006 um 15:28
Yes Aliens where are abducting us called Greys.

Ich glaube einfach an die Aufklärung, daran, dass man Menschen überzeugen kann durch Argumente.
-=CIA=- *|CduS|*


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

30.03.2006 um 15:31
I means the alien where abducting us called Greys.

Ich glaube einfach an die Aufklärung, daran, dass man Menschen überzeugen kann durch Argumente.
-=CIA=- *|CduS|*


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

30.03.2006 um 17:58

who are abducting us*


There are differentspecies, who are able to abduct humans even without their knowlegde

"I am, what you fear the most"-.-

"From now on we will not say that the Greeks fight like Heroes, but that Heroes fight like Greeks"(Winston Churchill)


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.04.2006 um 00:48
Sorry guys, I don't want to destroy the party or offend anybody, but is there
anybody here that has actually met 'a grey' or has any proof of their existence.
There is no 'reasonable' evidence. The people who made those films in the 50's
and 60's are finally coming out of their closets and admitting their deception.
Don't you think it falls in the same category as 'there is a terrorist under every
bed'? Who gains the most by stoking up our fear levels and diverting our
attention from what really matters - namely our mental health and the state of
our souls. These are dangerous times and it is not a time to be gullible. It may
sound impressive/subversive/anti-establishment, but you might be playing into
the hands of people who are professional spin-doctors.


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.04.2006 um 10:27

Even if I am of the same mind with you in common – I don’tconsider there are greys abducting people – it can’t be ensured that there aren’t avarious number of ‘aliens’ on this planet or close to it. It is just a matter oflikelihood…even if it is improbable that the aliens subsist in the way it is presented inmovies or books in our time.


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.04.2006 um 12:44
Alien means, "belonging to another". The word has been around for much
longer thanthe idea of UFOs and it points to our innate fear of 'strangers'.
People are notallowed to be suspicious of their neighbours, even if they don't
know them - whichis highly likely these days - but especially if they are not of
the same race orreligion, as this is considered politically incorrect. You can't
deal with fear bybanishing expression of it - but you can make it manageable by
giving it theoccasional purge via the latest Hollywood movie or popular paper
back book. We havealways had a fear of what's 'out there' and we paint it in big
pictures rather thanactually look at what might be under our own beds.

Once our enemy was theadjoinging tribe, then it was another country, then it
was nation against nation.Now we are looking elsewhere instead of facing what
might need to be adjusted withinourselves. And the more we project outwards,
the more insidiously something elsesneaks in.

Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" created national hysteria in the1950's. Same
problem more sophisticated techniques or propaganda are being usedtoday.
You speak of "likelihood" of greys. As far as I can see there isn't theslightest
hint of probability. "There are far stranger things in heaven and earththan our
mere philosophies", but there are ways of weighing up evidence. If you lookhow
unusual it is to find life in the solar system, then in the galaxies and finallyin the
universe - if you believe in "the big bang" and you see how the universe has
evolved - then for "life" to evolve, more or less, to the extent that we have would
probably have to be on the 'other side' of the universe. How long would it take
them to find us, then visit us? We ourselves have been sending out radio signals
for over half a century - with no reply. Would their technology - such as flying
saucers - be something that we could explain by comparing to materials and
technology that we have at our own disposal, on this earth? Wouldn't they have
to be something akin to Gods? Thereby hangs a tale...If you want to believe in
something, or the "Likelihood" of something - in all cultures throughout all time
on this planet, there is uniformity of belief - though little direct evidence - of
similar Gods, angels, devils, demons and the like. People want to paint the same
things with new colours. Are not aliens just post-modern pixies, brownies and
goblins that we used to find in the wilderness?

Sometimes our awareness canbe crippling. Are we not just nervous children
looking out at all this vast blackspace and wondering how the hell it is that we
are so alone. In my view it points toa universal need to connect to yet,
'something else'.


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.04.2006 um 13:04
@ gurdjieloins

Maybe I have chosen an incorrect word, as I am not a nativeEnglish speaker. When I spoke of likelihood I meant that there is defiantly an optionthat all those improbable things actually happened.

You spoke of theimprobability of life in our galaxy or even in the universe, but on our little planetafter a few billion years life developed...
If you at the mechanics of the quantumtheory even most unlikely things may happen. Another example is the Brownian movement...it is an essential part of everything happening on our planet and in the whole universe,but we still can not give explanations for it. There are many things we can not clarifyyet.

I hope you don't think, I am kind of a alien/ufo fanatic, I defiantly knowthat there is no great chance of any ufos visiting us or any 'aliens' staying on ourplanet, but there is still a tiny possibility.


Do Greys abduct for a reason?

29.04.2006 um 15:21
A possibility of "Aliens", yes - whatever that may mean, but these 'grey, bulbous
headed aliens', it has been proven not to be the case.
