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Saddam Hussein tortured by U.S. Agents?

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Saddam Hussein tortured by U.S. Agents?

06.04.2006 um 22:04
@ reed

Hey, no offense.....just a little, awesome joke of mine.. don`t takeit
too seriously :)

Jeder den ich kenne, der recht hat, stimmt mit MIR überein


Saddam Hussein tortured by U.S. Agents?

07.04.2006 um 06:53
I’m slightly confused...

Are you talking about Clones like Gen-engineeredoffspring’s or about doubles...persons who share the same look like Sadam... and @reed...I think , i will took you out from this question

I think it is justnormal, to be a bit perplexed, when you see people using English the first time, and theyneither know any grammatical rules nor are able to translate a word correctly fromEnglish to German and the other way around yet. (Saddam 'Klon' => Saddam clone) ;o)

Kind regards,


Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...


Saddam Hussein tortured by U.S. Agents?

07.04.2006 um 11:06

I belive, i`m not in any position to argue about the Skills of theother Fellows here *g*.....was just curious about the way this Topic goes.;)


First, the Identify of Sadam stay`s out of question...It was testified byDNA-samples, taken from his dead sons Udai and Qusai among other known physical Marks(Scars, Teeths).

And second, Sadam has the status of a officical P.o.W.,inclusive visits from the Red Cross and other NGO`s.....any Sign of tortuere would beprinted by the press A.s.a.p.

kindley regards


Jeder den ich kenne, der recht hat, stimmt mit MIR überein

reed ehemaliges Mitglied

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Saddam Hussein tortured by U.S. Agents?

07.04.2006 um 12:45
@ theHega

no offence taken at all!!!

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud


Saddam Hussein tortured by U.S. Agents?

02.09.2006 um 14:33

buddel my Friend can you tell me please what do you think about SadamHussein?





Saddam Hussein tortured by U.S. Agents?

02.09.2006 um 14:45

Sadam Hussein is a big pig and he earns the capital punishment! I thinkthis Iraq is divided. Long Kurdistan and the Kurds lives!

Greeting your



Saddam Hussein tortured by U.S. Agents?

21.09.2006 um 17:52
"Long Kurdistan and the Kurds lives!"
Use formulaic subjunctive, my friend: "Longlive Kurdistan and the Kurds!"
