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My/or A Worldview:

5 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Ech'naton, Monotheism ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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My/or A Worldview:

20.03.2025 um 11:27
Initial question: what is God?

But only now does the dark history of the Almighty come to light. Egyptologists have tracked down the cradle of the Lord, so to speak.
They follow a trail that leads to the mysterious pharaoh Echn'Aton (1353 to 1336 BC). This Egyptian ruler already initiated a tremendous experiment 600 years before the Jews. He only paid homage to one idol, the light being Aton. Now it turns out that although Echn'Aton soon failed miserably and was ostracised, his deeds radiated as far as Israel.
The biblical Moses was the revenant of the "heretic pharaoh" from Amarna - this is the new core statement of religious studies.
Source: Spiegel,21.12.06
Tstament of Pharao

Addendum: Moses
Meaning of Moses /from the Egyptian
Probably the shortening of a name of an Egyptian god, such as 'Thut-mosis' or 'Ramses' (= 'Ra-mosis'). The name element -mosis means something like 'son of'. In the Bible, Moses was the leader of the Israelites from Egyptian oppression.
Source: Vorname.com/Moses

Supplement : TutAnchAmun
Parents of TutAnchAmun

Their hard work has now paid off: TutAnchAmun's father is the pharaoh Ech'naton, whose mummified body was recovered in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings on the west bank of the Nile. His mother is apparently the so-called "Younger Lady", who was found together with an older female mummy in a neighbouring tomb.
Source : cordis.europa.eu
With Nofretete, Ech'nAton had 6 daughters, but with a half-sister he also had a son, namely TutAnchAmun.

So Moses left Egypt with the Israelites, when huge people - for that time - had already flattened Crete with the first iron swords and were now moving towards Egypt, the Pulastu=Phillisters of the Bible=today's Palestinians; probably originally from the Balkans.
And by the way, he also had the 7(9?) plagues in his luggage, which made Egypt an inhospitable country, which was no longer desirable for the Pulastu (Konzelmann, "The Ordered Peace").

Forerunner of Ech'nAton : MentuhotepIV.MentuhotepIV.from 2002-1994 BC

Successor Amenemhet I (possibly his vizier, who then succeeded Menuhotep to the throne of the sun) from 1994-1975 BC
Amenemhet I.

verifiable historical precursors of monotheism
According to most Egyptologists, verifiable historical precursors of monotheism can be found in the 14th century BC in Ancient Egypt under the reign of Pharaoh Ech'naton (Amenhotep IV).
He elevated Aton to the sole god.
However, since he did not deny the existence of the traditional deities and had their cult only partially banned, other Egyptologists assess these early forms as temporary henotheism, which, however, represented a temporary break in polytheism.
Source: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monotheismus...nach Gerhard Krause,Theologische Realenzyklopädie,Bd.27

So I want to say that Ech'N'Aton was the father of TutAnchAmun.
Moses means 'son' in Egyptian.
And Ech'N'Aton already had the idea of a one-god religion at that time.


My/or A Worldview:

20.03.2025 um 12:23
Why did this Pharaoh show himself to the public, when all the pharaohs never showed themselves to the public before?

The declared enemies of the Egyptians were already the Hittites (today's area in the north of Turkey: Pontic Steppe/Caucasus Mountains).
They (Hittites) seem to be the Yamnaya culture that used to settle there, the herds of animals (cows? Deer-like animals?), i.e. were nomads, followed to have displaced them.
(it is called "the ancient Roman disease": cancer - in any form, i.e. fighting techniques, which resulted in disease?!)

At the time of Menuhotep IV and successor Amenemhet I, the following happened in the Pontic steppe :
Yamnaya and the plague
Yamnaya culture and the early spread of the plague
The oldest evidence of the plague pathogen Yersinia pestis comes from skeletons up to 5000 years old from the Pontic steppe. The plague already affected late Neolithic societies, its pathogen could be detected in a period "from 4800 to about 3800 years ago in skeletons from all over Europe". Kristian Kristiansen (2018) showed in his paleogenetic analyses that not only the culture in Central Europe changed about 5,000 years ago, but also the genetic composition of the population.
The genome of the corded potters showed numerous correspondences with genetic characteristics of the Yamnaya.
One hypothesis as to how genetic traits from the Yamnaya culture were able to prevail in the Central European population would be introduced epidemics, in particular the plague. According to further genetic studies, the population density among Neolithic farmers in Central Europe fell significantly around the time of the Yamnaya immigration, as a result of which the steppe nomads found large areas with only a low settlement density. Thus, haplogroup R1a is the most common Y-DNA haplogroup of the northern Yamnaya ethnic groups (in relation to the corded potters), while R1b (in relation to the Bell Beaker culture) represents that of the southern Yamnaya ethnic groups, both of which are found among the Yamnaya as well as among today's Western Europeans.

The genome of the early plague strains differed from later variants. The Yersinia pestis genomes of the early epochs showed an extinct variant of the pathogen that could be dated to the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. The genomes of these early variants are not completely identical in their genetic characteristics to the later plague pathogens, so they lack a gene that is necessary for the transmission of the plague pathogen by fleas. Direct contact from person to person (droplet infection), as in the time of the Yamnaya culture, was no longer necessary, but could be transmitted from person to flea to person with a time and space delay. Nevertheless, the early forms of the pathogen were also able to trigger the highly infectious pneumonic plague transmitted by droplet infection.
Source: wikipedia,Yamnaya
At that time, the plague had still been spread via droplets!

The Pontic steppe is located on the Pontic Caucasus and Caucasus immigrants were already present among the Canaanites.
Canaanite Origin
According to the analyses, this people developed in equal parts from a kind of indigenous population, which must have inhabited the region since the Neolithic Age, and newcomers from the northeast: namely from the Caucasus region and the Zagros Mountains in Iran. The brisk immigration from the Caucasus-Zagros region is likely to have begun more than 4,500 years ago and, to the surprise of researchers, probably lasted until the Late Bronze Age.
Source: woher-die-biblischen-Kanaaniter-kamen,der standard/story

According to stories, Canaan was the son of Ham; he in turn was a brother of Shem, that is, Shem and Ham, sons of Noah, who survived the great flood with his family.
Canaan (Hebrew כְּנַעַן) is mentioned in the Old Testament as the son of Ham, grandson of Noah, and progenitor of the Canaanites, a people who lived in the land of Canaan before the appearance of the Israelites. The name of the people and their subjugated position are traced back to the progenitor (Gen 9:18–27). His brothers are Kush, Egypt and Put.
Quelle: wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanaan
However, genetics does not say when the genetic invasion from the Caucasus took place!

Further temporal context :
there was a Hyksos invasion of Egypt in the so-called second intermediate period around 1648 -1550 BC and these formed the 15th dynasty in Egypt for 108 years.
Hyksos DynastieHyskos Dynasty
The Great Hyksos Dynasty in the Nile Delta is founded by King Salitis (possibly also Shalik or Sharek), who founded the capital Auaris (Avaris). There is still great disagreement among Egyptologists about the assignment of the individual kings, especially in this dynasty, as they are hardly proven by hieroglyphics. The best-documented king is Apopi I. He probably ruled from 1590 to 1549 BC. 16th Dynasty
Source: wikipedia.org/wiki/Zweite Zwischenzeit

the Hyksos were of Semitic origin :
Hyksos Origin
An examination of the proper names of the Hyksos kings from the 15th dynasty showed that they come predominantly from the West Semitic language area, and that some of them are also of Hurrian origin.
According to this, the Hyksos are Amorites or Canaanites, perhaps also members of the Hurrians people. Found grave goods such as daggers or battle axes from the late phase suggest a warlike people.

In retrospect, the Hyksos were considered unpopular because they represented a foreign dynasty in Egypt. An inscription of Queen Hatshepsut in Speos Artemidos near Beni Hassan says that the Hyksos ruled "without Re" and that during their time they left the shrines neglected and dilapidated.
In later times (Manetho, Josephus) the memory of their presence in Egypt was far worse.
Source: wikipedia .org/wiki/Hyksos

Obviously, the Hebrews, nomadic hill tribes of Israel, invaded Egypt with the Hyksos at that time and when they overcame the invaders after 108 years, they were enslaved.

The Canaanites, also called Phoenicians (are probably the same people!) have not only given us the beginnings of the written language
Written language
Alphabetical ancestor
According to current research, the origins of our alphabet go back to Canaanites from West Asia, who mined copper or turquoise for Egypt on the Sinai Peninsula. Surrounded by inscriptions in Egyptian hieroglyphics, these workers began to translate the hundreds of pictorial hieroglyphics into their language. Then they linked the first sound of this word with the corresponding image – researchers call this the "acrophonic principle".
This early alphabetic script, also called Protosinaitic, with a little more than 20 characters, was abstracted by the Phoenicians by the 11th century BCE at the latest. This Phoenician script then formed the basis for the Hebrew, Greek and Latin alphabets. "In the end, we write nothing more than modified hieroglyphics, the concept is still the same," says Höflmayer.
Source: standard, Pottery Shard from Israel/Tel Lachish
They are of similar "brotherly" origin to the Hebrews of today.

Early to Middle Bronze Age The Canaanites were organised into city-states, whose city kings usually acted independently of each other.
They are identical with the Phoenicians in that Phoenicians are the Greek and Canaanites or Canaanites are the Hebrew name for the Semitic tribes living on the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean and in the neighbouring interior.
Since the semi-nomadic Hebrews settling in the mountainous region perceived the Canaanites, whose name in Hebrew (כְּנַעֲנִי Knaʿani) is not "ק" but "כ", as merchants and merchants, they identified them through the Hebrew קנע, qana "to trade", so that Canaanite can also be translated as "merchant". Since the Greeks had more encounters with the seafaring "Phoenician" trading cities of the coast in historical times, the terms "Phoenicians" and "Canaanites" are not used synonymously, even though they are one and the same ethnicity.

So Shem's descendants are brother tribes to Ham's descendants. By the way, the ancient Canaanites are today's Syrians and Syria is the former Canaan!
The Canaanites remained in Israel/Canaan at that time, but the mountain peoples invaded Egypt with the Hyskos.
("Ben" is Hebrew for son like Ben-Gurion/"Moses" Egyptian for son.
Who knows what the future holds for this area...)
After Ech'naton's death, Nefrete or Meritaton and later TutenchAmun takes over the government and Moses leaves Egypt with the Hebrews after the 7(9?) plagues: the Pulastu/Phillisters/Palestinians. That took many(40?) years.
Then the David/Goliath story appears.
Ech'naton's reign is dated variously: c. 1351–1334 BC, 1340–1324 BC.

Controversial at the beginning and now outdated theory, Nefertiti says that, contrary to all previous assumptions, Nefertiti survived Ech'naton and ascended the throne after him under the name Semenchkare.
The depiction of Nefertiti as the patron goddess of her deceased husband at the corners of the stone sarcophagus of Ech'naton (in the garden of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo), which has been preserved in fragments and reconstructed again, and a small relief depicting Nefertiti slaying enemies, was interpreted to mean that she even ruled Egypt alone for a short time after Ech'naton's death. It is still sometimes claimed that Semenchkare was in fact female (cf. Cyril Aldred).
In addition, both the throne name assigned to Semenchkare (Ankh-cheperu-Re) and his personal name contained the addition "meri-wa-en-Re" (Beloved of the only of Re),
where "wa-en-Re" is part of Ech'naton's throne name. In the meantime, however, serious research no longer questions the fact that Nefertiti died a few years before Ech'naton. Some sources give the date as the 12th year of the reign, other sources the 14th year of Ech'naton's reign. In December 2012, it became known that an inscription had been found in a quarry near Deir al-Bersha, north of Amarna, in which Nefertiti is named as the reigning queen. It was written on the 15th day of the third month of the flood season of the 16th year of Ech'naton's reign. The third line begins with the words "Great Royal Consort, his beloved, Mistress of the Two Lands, Neferneferuaton Nefertiti".
Source: wikipedia.org/wiki/Echnaton

When they arrive in Israel, David defeats Goliath the Phillister.
King David
David is one of the most important figures in the Old Testament. Born in Bethlehem around 1000 BC, the shepherd boy distinguished himself as a war hero when he struck down the all-powerful Goliath with his catapult and inflicted a severe defeat on the Philistines.
Anointed king by the prophet Samuel, David united the twelve tribes of Israel and made Jerusalem the capital.
By bringing the Ark of the t
Covenant there, he laid the foundation for the first temple, which was then built by his son and successor Solomon.
Source: tagblatt.ch/König David
Basic Info From: Wikimedia Commons; © Silmaril, Wikimedia Commons, licensed under Creative Commons license cc-by-3.0;
In the history of Israel, David is at the head of the → kingdom and is counted as the first and most important king over Judah and Israel. He reigned for a total of 40 years, including 7 years in → Hebron and 33 years in → Jerusalem (1 Kings 2:11). According to the absolute → chronology, the period of his reign is approximately 1000-961 BC.
Source:Das wissenschaftlichl. Bible Lexicon,David(AT)

In the time of David, there were the temple servants, the Levites.
According to the light novel by Suzanne Frank, The Guardian of Jericho, these Levites were hardened against the plague because the ark of the covenant of the tribes was secured with plague fleas.
As far as her sources are concerned, I have no idea, but it is possible that the plague had already found its way into the stomachs of the plague fleas around the time of David.


My/or A Worldview:

20.03.2025 um 12:50
Obviously, the plague fleas escaped under David... whatever the interpretation is, whether God's punishment or simply the plague loose .

1.Chronik 21,7
But all this was very displeasing to God, and he struck Israel. 8Then David said to God, "I have sinned grievously to have done this. But now take away the guilt of your servant; for I have done very foolishly. 9 And the Lord spoke to Gad the seer of David, saying, 10 Go and speak to David, saying, "This is what the Lord says: I will set three things before you; choose one of them, that I may do it to you. 11 When Gad came to David, he said to him, "This is what the Lord says: Choose for yourself 12 Either three years of famine, or three months of flight from your adversaries and from the sword of your enemies, to seize you, or three days the sword of the Lord and pestilence in the land, and the angel of the Lord will wreak havoc in all the territory of Israel.
So see what I am to answer to him who sent me. 13David said to Gad, "I am very afraid, but I want to fall into the hand of the Lord, for his mercy is very great. but I don't want to fall into the hands of men. 14 Then the Lord caused a pestilence to come upon Israel, and seventy thousand people from Israel died.
Source:bibleserver.com/HFA/1.Chronik 21,7

Under King David, the Hebrews had the covenant (ancestors?)ark of the tribes stolen by the Romans?Because of sins?
Or did hardly anyone come up against the Romans?
First the elephant hordes of Alexander the Great, then the Romans... So the Israelis moved out of settlement areas (because of the stolen Ark of the Covenant?) to wait for the next sun-worshipping culture... would also be spilled?
A sun throne rise in the form of the chines. Dragon Throne after the Egyptian Pharaoh culture had passed?
Well, then there was also a plague outbreak in China, which then affected the whole medieval world... in the 14th century it started in Asia, then transmitted to humans via trade routes (rats, marmots, rabbits and rabbits) by fleas infected by animals.

Plague in Europe
Also in the 6th/7th century there was a plague epidemic, which stopped and disappeared at some point! And then from 1347-1353 A.D. throughout Europe! The new sun-worshipping culture had 2000 years of preparation, just since "Prophet" Jesus was a symbol for the last sun-worshipping culture and led out of the pharaohs.
So at some point the plague will probably reappear.
And: the antibiotics in the form of penicillin are less and less effective!


My/or A Worldview:

20.03.2025 um 13:04
The Ark of the Covenant... Bundeslade Ark
According to the biblical description (Ex 25:10–22 EU), it was a chest made of acacia wood covered with gold inside and out. It was equipped with two carrying rods stuck in golden rings. According to biblical data, their dimensions were approximately 130 × 80 × 80 cm (L × W × H). The lid, the so-called reconciliation lid (Hebrew: kapporet), could be removed. On it were two cherubim, who spread their wings protectively against each other and over them. Between the cherubim appeared the glory of God (Shechinah). The chest was only allowed to be touched by the most worthy and high priests. Any unauthorised touching constituted sacrilege and, according to tradition, had led to the immediate death of the offender.
Source: wikipedia,Ark of the Covenant
First time and storage
According to the tradition of the Torah, the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments were first carried around in the Ark of the Covenant and kept with it in a dismountable tent temple, the tabernacle. This was also carried along on the hikes, later it was located in Shiloh about in the middle of the land of Israel, in order to give the Ark of the Covenant a permanent place. The Ark narrative in 1 Sam 4:1b to 1 Sam 7:2a reports that after a military defeat of the Israelites, the Ark fell into the hands of the Philistines, who were terribly punished by YHWH for it. It was then returned to the Israelites, who were kept for twenty years in Kiriath-Jearim in the house of Abinadab.

The Ark of the Covenant was transferred to Mount Zion by King David and to the Temple in Jerusalem by Solomon on the Moriah Plateau, the Temple Mount. Correlation of surviving geodetic reference points such as the remains of the temple walls with modern temple reconstructions, as well as the survey of the rock enclosed with the Dome of the Rock by the British Montagu Brownlow Parker, 5th Earl of Morley (1878–1962), in 1911 suggest that this rock is identical with the location of the Ark of the Covenant. After the consolidation of King David's political power, he brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem in order to make the city a religious centre (2 Sam 6).
Michal had gone to Jerusalem with David, who soon brought the Ark of the Covenant to the new capital. The Ark of the Covenant was then placed in the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem Temple, which the high priest was only allowed to enter once a year during the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) to pronounce the name of God and ask for atonement for the people of Israel.
Source: wikipedia,Ark of the Covenant
Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem in 587/586 BC and deported part of the inhabitants into exile in Babylon. This was accompanied by the plundering of the Jerusalem Temple. Since then, assuming their previous presence, large parts of the temple treasure, including the Ark of the Covenant, have been considered lost. It can be assumed that the ark was destroyed in this context.
Source: wwikipedia,Ark of the Covenant


My/or A Worldview:

20.03.2025 um 13:20
So: was the Ark of the Covenant stolen by the Romans at all?
Or had it already been destroyed under Nebuchadnezzar?
Or was it kept somewhere else in private houses, since it was lost?
Or did Hebrews simply build a new Ark of the Covenant, because the instructions for its construction were overrun..., and then did the Romans steal the Ark of the Covenant from King David again?
But honestly, what an unsavoury job to be "called": to be a vanguard of Egypt's sun-worshipping culture, led by Moses and David.
Was this a 2000-year penance for the Hebrews invading Egypt with the Hyskos and giving Egypt a 108-year period "without Re"???

In any case, Gabriel is a Jewish name :
And if the aviator/ angel who developed the laws for the Muslims with Muhammad (set of rules to facilitate the coexistence of people) was Hebrew, did this then serve to bring Christianity, which also wanted to pray to the God of the "called" people, into fellowship (with its own set of rules), whether caused by expellation of Hebrews of their own country by the Romans or because Christianity was gaining momentum in Rome?

In any case, the Germanic tribes were able to worship the stronger god of the enemy in battle... (what is what, The Germanic tribes).
This means that they can leave it at that... to worship the god of the enemy!
So if the Christian church is really to come to an end (A.Voldben, Collected Prophecies,Machandelbaum), what did we have before in Germany?in Europe?
How can we then implement our need for democracy if we do not learn for ourselves what Hebrews have developed only under pogrom pressure/under pressure to survive, namely to distinguish men from women? Through reduction techniques (e.g. fasting, etc.)?
We cannot, as stupid Christians, forever blame Hebrews and hope with pogrom pressure that they will find solutions for us!!
Which brings me back to my "favourite topic": democracy and the ability to preserve it!
