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Help with a sentence in an Austrian juridic document?
24.08.2019 um 15:57Hi, it was a long time since I was here!
The thing is that a friend of mine, who is now back in Sweden but has lived and worked in Austria for some time, applied for an invalidity pension from the Austrian Pensionsversicherungsanstalt. He was denied. I understand German (normally...), and I understand so much from this document from them, that my friend had been insured in the Austrian social security system for too short a time, to be entitled to a pension. But I still do not understand this sentence - especially the bold part:
"Eine Pension kann vom Versicherungsträger eines Mitgliedstaates nur gewährt werden, wenn nach den Rechtsvorschriften dieses Mitgliedstaates mindestens 12 entweder für den Anspruch oder die Berechnung der Pension zu berücksichtigende Versicherungsmonate erworben wurden".
There are two different things going on here - what are they and why?
And further down in the document, they talk about months "für die Wartezeit" and "für die Leistung" respectively. I do not understand the difference here either. Does this refer to the same phenomenon as in the previous paragraph I quoted, or is it something else?
I hope somebody can help me/us!
The thing is that a friend of mine, who is now back in Sweden but has lived and worked in Austria for some time, applied for an invalidity pension from the Austrian Pensionsversicherungsanstalt. He was denied. I understand German (normally...), and I understand so much from this document from them, that my friend had been insured in the Austrian social security system for too short a time, to be entitled to a pension. But I still do not understand this sentence - especially the bold part:
"Eine Pension kann vom Versicherungsträger eines Mitgliedstaates nur gewährt werden, wenn nach den Rechtsvorschriften dieses Mitgliedstaates mindestens 12 entweder für den Anspruch oder die Berechnung der Pension zu berücksichtigende Versicherungsmonate erworben wurden".
There are two different things going on here - what are they and why?
And further down in the document, they talk about months "für die Wartezeit" and "für die Leistung" respectively. I do not understand the difference here either. Does this refer to the same phenomenon as in the previous paragraph I quoted, or is it something else?
I hope somebody can help me/us!