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Message to your 12-year old self

21 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: 12, Message, TO ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Message to your 12-year old self

08.03.2017 um 14:13

Today I thought about something: We all change and grow as a person, we all do things that are good and things that are not so good. 

Sometimes we think about what would happen if we could change if we could tourn back time. Or, what kind of advice we would give our younger self. 

This thread is the right place for that. Write down what you would tell your twelve year old selfe. Give your advice here. 


Message to your 12-year old self

08.03.2017 um 14:18
I would say nothing. When i was 12 nothing Could make me happy :(


Message to your 12-year old self

08.03.2017 um 14:18
Buy bitcoins


Message to your 12-year old self

08.03.2017 um 14:49
Really? I am deeply sorry for that. But maybe you could tell yourself that it (hopefully!) will get better :) 


Message to your 12-year old self

08.03.2017 um 14:53
I think you meant @suicidecat


Message to your 12-year old self

08.03.2017 um 15:05
Jup :D 


Message to your 12-year old self

12.03.2017 um 15:24
Don't leave grammar school without a good reason


Message to your 12-year old self

12.03.2017 um 16:45
Get rid of all your friends. They're soon gone anyway.
Then spend more time with your dog.


Message to your 12-year old self

19.10.2018 um 03:26
Spend less time on your Pc.Try to keep in touch with Friends.Improve your Spelling,Grammar,Phrasing,Handwriting and basic Knowledge.Do not stop to learn the Guitar, because the beginning seems so hard and slow.Do not start to smoke.Life is short,so give every moment of your life meaning.


Message to your 12-year old self

19.10.2018 um 16:04
Don't worry.
Your tits will grow in about two years.

By the way... Heineken tastes like piss so don't even try it.


Message to your 12-year old self

06.11.2018 um 16:22
Don't do that in the pool.
Don't even ducking think about it.

Oh and kick yourself into sociallife.
Don't be scared.


Message to your 12-year old self

25.11.2018 um 19:14
Don't even ducking think about it.
Rly?! That's how one writes “fucking“ these days? :D


Message to your 12-year old self

25.11.2018 um 20:07
That shit with the knife is the right decision.

Also: smoking doesn't harm you as much as the doctor told you it would.


Message to your 12-year old self

25.11.2018 um 20:11
Ah, while I'm here anyway ...
What to say to my 12yr old self?
Lessee, what was I like, at age 12 ... I honestly have no idea.
Twas still a year before I started smoking, another year and I will start underage-drinking, and my first, tender experiments with drugs are looming on the horizon.
I was probably playing Legend of Zelda any second I could.
Discovering the record-collection of my dad.
Playing ... outside? Riding bikes and shit? Hanging around somewhere? No idea ...

But, I got something to say to you, little shit.
In a year or so, you're going to start writing. Yes, every story is a cheap Stephen King rip-off, but still - keep at it. You'll be sorry if you don't.
Then, don't throw away all your toys and memories and stuff.
You WILL regret that.
Sure, go ahead and smoke, drink, whatever, I don't care. Couldn't stop you anyway.
But remember one.important.Thing: When you are 24 - yeah I know, an eternity away, but listen anyway - when you're 24, something will happen. Do not, listen to me you little shit, DO NOT give in to that. Just listen to me this once. Do not!
Oh, and don't trust nobody. It's not worth it, you'll see. And keep that Beatles-autograph.

Well, that's it. Always buy the good shit, your lungs will thank you later. Don't get drunk on a swivel chair. Girls more drunk than you are seldom worth it. Cops are always faster than you. Being kind to animals is never uncool.
And shit with a knife is always the right decision :D

Have fun.


Message to your 12-year old self

08.02.2019 um 00:44
Stay away from these black metal bois. I don't want you to get influenced by..

*autistic screeching*

Well shit


Message to your 12-year old self

23.08.2019 um 23:26
listen to your intuition and give a F... what others say about your feelings


Message to your 12-year old self

08.04.2020 um 22:08
Confront your abuser, go to an embassy, search for help


Message to your 12-year old self

28.04.2020 um 10:35
Don´t use heat on your hair!! Its not worth it, and dont drink so much drunk is not a good look


Message to your 12-year old self

09.07.2024 um 12:04
Don't let Djedi near you (at all cost!).


Message to your 12-year old self

09.07.2024 um 12:22
This thread is especially useful, if you believe in reincarnation (and I do that!).
