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Post-Mortem photography

9 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Death, Goth, Postmortem ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Pale7Angel Diskussionsleiter
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Post-Mortem photography

23.04.2015 um 05:37
There are pages that post this kind of pictures, have you ever seen one (face to face) ?

I think is very interesting that people decided that taking pictures was a good idea before burying a body. Back then photography was very rare and expensive so most of the regular folks spent money on one first and last photo of their family member. Sounds crazy now but it was real.




Post-Mortem photography

23.04.2015 um 08:02
I'm divided between creepy n sad :(


Post-Mortem photography

21.06.2015 um 15:21
I did know about it, but to me this is outright creepy.
Also, who would want to memorize their loved one's dead body like this?
You would look at this picture now and then and you'd knew that they were dead and...
I don't know, I just find it very irritating. Isn't that psychologically bad for people?


Post-Mortem photography

03.07.2015 um 09:15

Why should it? Post mortem photography was popular in a time were taking pictures was a special thing. Imagine you lived in early 20th century or even earlier, and your Child died in its first years. So you didnt had the opportunity ti take pictures of it.in its lifetime... I can understand that the People wanted to have a picture of there beloved ones.

Even today parents of childs which are dead when they are born are taking lovely pictures of there little ones. Its good for there mental health, because.they dont forget how there Child looked like

1x zitiertmelden

Post-Mortem photography

03.07.2015 um 15:35
Zitat von CheahaCheaha schrieb:childs
hmmm ^^


Post-Mortem photography

10.07.2015 um 14:00

children. sry. it was early in the morning :D


Post-Mortem photography

10.07.2015 um 14:02
apology accepted :ok:


Post-Mortem photography

05.10.2015 um 21:36
That sound very creepy to me. I´ve seen videos on Youtube were they talk about that topic and knew about it bevor. And yes i know my english is verry bad. I´m not in school anymore so i don´t need it that often.


Post-Mortem photography

08.05.2018 um 10:41
I think it's pretty interesting to take photos like that
