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Abandoned House

26 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Haus, Verlassen, Abandoned ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Abandoned House

08.01.2015 um 21:04
Zitat von gigiladygigilady schrieb:Have I done something wrong on the forum? Sorry!
This forum is for discussions. So, posting pics without any explanation, makes no sense. R U interested in discussions or do U just want to show your pics?
You con post your pics in your blog.


Abandoned House

08.01.2015 um 21:13
Sorry I did not know this. I will not post anymore pictures!

3x zitiertmelden

Abandoned House

08.01.2015 um 21:28
Zitat von gigiladygigilady schrieb:I will not post anymore pictures!
Oh no no, I like this pics!

Maybe you could use only one thread and write a little bit about the pics?
That could be a compromise!
And other users could show their pics, too?

If you post only in your blog then nobody realise this fantasitc pictures. :cry:

Btw, this forum has a section named "Allmystery in English", could this be an option, too?


Abandoned House

08.01.2015 um 22:07
Zitat von gigiladygigilady schrieb:Sorry I did not know this. I will not post anymore pictures!
No, don´t take me wrong. The pics are great, but you could have written some information about the pics.
Where did you take them and when, for example.


Abandoned House

08.01.2015 um 22:42
Sure ok. Well I will post in the English section now with a better description.
Do I have to reveal exactly where they are taken?

1x zitiertmelden

Abandoned House

08.01.2015 um 23:25
Zitat von gigiladygigilady schrieb:Do I have to reveal exactly where they are taken?
It´s not mandatory... but if U want to discuss, it would be better... imo....



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