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A little poem

11 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Game, Poem ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Weltträumerin Diskussionsleiter
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A little poem

24.09.2014 um 17:42
Just like I said - A little poem. Its kind of a game:
Its a poem in which you can fill in what you want.
Ok,It's like this:

(first name) the (one word to describe you)
I am the colour of ...
If I was a sound,I would be ...
Many people think ... (what they think about you), but ...
If I was a garden,I would be ...
I taste of ...
I dream of ... and one day ...
My friends say I ...
They doesn't want me to ... ,yet I ...
If I was a book, ...
I hope that one day ...
(first name) the (one word to describe you)

I give you an example:

Amely the dreamer.
I am the colour of a high burning fire in the night,under the full moon.
If I was a sound,I would be a quiet singing voice.
Many people think I only have this one life,but I don't.
If I was a garden,I would be filled with unseen flowers,wild and hidden.
I taste of the autumn air and the wind from far away.
I dream of freedom,and one day I will fly.
My friends say,I'm a book with a new story on every side.
They doesn't want me to leave this live and country,yet I still want to.
If I was a book,my cover wouldn't give away much of my story with many parts.
I hope that one day I will be able to put all my lives into one.
Amely the dreamer.

you have to excuse the spelling and grammar,I'm not that good in English.
Of course you can fill in everything you want.
Have Fun :)

Amely the dreamer.


A little poem

25.09.2014 um 05:36
Hey, don't be so down on yourself, your English is pretty good! Without being super nitpicky, one thing I can recommend that will make your English a lot easier to read is to put a single space after a comma. Also, since it's a very common word I'll help you with one error in your choice of words - a books has pages, not sides. It's an easy mistake to make since side sounds so similar to Seite, plus we use website and webpage pretty interchangeably, but it's something to remember. Just keep on practicing. :)

Dan the thinker.
I am the color of peaches.
If I were a sound, I would be a baroque pipe organ melody.
Many people think they know me, but I share my innermost thoughts rarely and judiciously.
If I were a garden, I would be a winding hedge maze with a fountain and statue in the center.
I taste of the comforts of civilization.
I dream of leaving the frailty of meat and bone behind.
My friends say I'm a genius.
They don't want me to stay awake into the wee hours of the morning, yet I find nighttime beautiful.
If I were a book, I would be a thick, leather-bound tome with several appendices.
I hope that one day someone will come to truly understand me.
Dan the thinker.

Weltträumerin Diskussionsleiter
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A little poem

25.09.2014 um 19:40
Thank you for your feedback, I will remember this :)
And I try to speak English whenever I can - to improve my skills.
That was a stupid mistake, the "side" thing, thank you for showing me that,
I would never have noticed it otherwise.
Your Poem sounds great!


A little poem

27.09.2014 um 14:57
That seems to be pretty funny, let me try it :vv:
Guy the Gentleman
I am the colour of the Night
If I was a sound,I would be double bass, without a doubt.
Many people think they hate me, but thats ok cuz i hate them too
If I was a garden,I would be in need for fresh Water every day
I taste of Kaßler, the best meat ever :Y:
I dream of living very long and one day seeing my Childrens children.
My friends say I am crazy, maybe they are right
They doesn't want me to talk too much ,yet I do
If I was a book, it would surely be ,,The Grapes of Wrath" or ,,The 40 Days of Musa Dagh"
I hope that one day everything willbe fine.
Inkognito the Gentle Man ;)

Weltträumerin Diskussionsleiter
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A little poem

30.09.2014 um 15:47
:D nice


A little poem

01.10.2014 um 21:44
Banana the Banana
I am the colour of colourless.
If I was a sound, I would be shrill.
Many people think Bananas do not taste good, but they do, it's my firm believe.
If I was a garden, I would be a green mess.
I taste of more or less, maybe even much less.
I dream of waking up in one of my best dreams ever and one day i will wake up successfully.
My friends say I'm reckless.
They doesn't want me to be me ,yet I'm still me anyway.
If I was a book, i'm not written completely so far.
I hope that one day, i mean when i'm finally written, i will become a bestseller.
Banana the tasty banana.


A little poem

20.11.2014 um 17:56
Kate the free spirit
I am the color of dawn
If I was a sound,I would be a sea storm
Many people think the world is black and white, but I believe that one can not define anything
If I was a garden,I would be a secret labyrinth
I taste of chilled Mogen David vine
I dream of a house filled with everyone I love and one day I will be saying to my grandchildren that nothing in the world is as precious as life and love.
My friends say I might end up in jail
They don't want me to stroll alone at night ,yet I keep doing it.
If I was a book, it would be about someone who finds hope no matter how bad things may look
I hope that one day I'll look in the mirror and think: it all was worth it
Kate the free spirit

Weltträumerin Diskussionsleiter
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A little poem

27.11.2014 um 18:52
Sorry, just forgot to go online for some time,hope you'll forgive me ^-^
(I say this because I shure want to read the poems you've made)

I think Bananas taste very good,they're one of my Favorites *^*

The world is full of colors everywhere, and nothing (or noone) is just black or white, that is for shure ;)
I really like your poem,it inspires me <3


A little poem

05.12.2014 um 06:50

Dennis the Menace
I am the colour of black spotted grey
If I was a sound, I would be Om, a cry for you, you must obey
Many people think I'm sad, but oh no honey I'm mad (I tap, ye clap)
If I was a garden, I would be full of shady places (where she stays)
I taste of summer wine, long gone in lonely winterdays
I dream of chills,thrills and one day a new love that kills
My friends say I will now succeed
They doesn't want me to weep, yet I know my heart will bleed
If I was a book, would I be of old tales, new, no, the story would be written now with crimson flow
I hope that one day heartache will stop & the cravin' for more (just love)
Dennis the sunken drailor

:-) thank you

Weltträumerin Diskussionsleiter
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A little poem

12.12.2014 um 16:13

This one is full of rhymes, beautiful ^^
And about the thing that you're mad... That features the best :D


A little poem

13.03.2016 um 08:46
Charm and wit and levity
May help you at the start
But at the end, it's brevity
That wins the public's heart
