@OddThomas Yep, this dude had a random generator instead of a brain inside his skull.
Every question you asked him was a kind of jeopardy in getting a suitable answer.
But not only he was answering quite arkward.
It was his behaviour wich was very disturbing sometimes.
I remember a situation where he was a convoy leader and had to travel through almost the whole country from south to north and back. First he looked at a regional map in the most useless effort to find his target there. That was some kind of funny, like if you want to travel from switzerland to norway and you are looking for a norwegian city an a road map of vienna.
As we just explain him, that the wall mounted map won't show him the target and it would possibly near the location (yes, he looked up there to find it), his mind took another shortcut wich nobody was able to follow.
Despite the fact, everyone has only to carry handguns, he wanted the full arsenal in his car. including a machinegun and an rocked propelled grenadelauncher.
It wasn't so that a usual soldier would have gotten ist, if he would have claimed this need with some reasons.
But this guy was already dangerous without any weapon, I won't think about, what could have happened when he'd get those guns
:DBeside that fact he was the first one who signed the papers, wich allowed him toi leave the camp without weapons in small groups for sightseeing into the city.
More clues for his randomgenerator in his head.
And there are so much more...