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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

25 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: FBI, Deep Web, Drugs ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:17
The "Silk road", what a accurate name for the link to an online "Drug Bazaar" in the 21th century. But the "amazon for illegal things" was shut down by the FBI lately.


Furthermore it's obvious that the "Silk Road" was just one of these hard-to-find e-commerce sites on the "Deep Web" that allegedly trafficked in drugs, guns, computer-hacking, money-laundering and even murder-for-hire. The deep web

silk road seized

Well, most propably, it was at least the most popular site, considering customers all over the world and their reviews, whom you can also read in the "normal" web.
In documents filed in U.S. District Court in New York, FBI agent Christopher Tarbell described 13,000 drug listings on Silk Road last month, including cannibas, ecstasy, prescriptions, psychedelics and stimulants, and others for firearms, anonymous bank accounts and hit men. One ad declared: "HIGH QUALITY #4 HEROIN ALL ROCK." Users paid with Bitcoins, an anonymous form of electronic currency widely used online. The FBI reportedly seized $3.6 million in Bitcoins after agents made 100 drug purchases through the website.
Source: Rolling Stone. Link is below.
So, what I want to discuss is - Is the WWW or the deep web also the future for drug dealers, murders, arms dealers? Or is it even already their favoured way of "trading"?

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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:22

Paying Method was?



Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:28

No, but quite similar. Bitcoins...


The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:31
Zitat von Banana_JoeBanana_Joe schrieb:Bitcoins
rolling on the floor laughing

My mom would have said: "How could you be so dumb?" ?

Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:33

Yes, it seems stupid, but it worked for 2 years and the FBI still tries to get the money consisting of bitcoins.


The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:35
There are still a few other black markets, like the Black Market Reloaded. It's just another failed try to make a difference in the "drugwar".

Silkroad will be back, I bet they have a few mirrors already.

Did they busted the server or just the onion domain?


Your mom would say: "wtf are BitCoins" and you would probably answer "I have no fucking clue...".

Please stay away from this thread if your posts stay like that.

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Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:36

Oh no, please, don't be that detailed about the topic :troll:

Edit: Your comment seems to be deleted already :(


The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:39
Zitat von fregmanfregman schrieb:Please stay away from this thread if your posts stay like that.
Well well well...guess who is not interested in your narrow-minded provocatiions? Or does not care in any way about'em?

And don't you dare to erase this!

Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:42
Zitat von fregmanfregman schrieb:Did they busted the server or just the onion domain?
I really don't know. The owner of the domain is arrested but I guess it would be hard to bust all servers. Even for the FBI?


The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:46

I don't care if you interested or not, this is not the UH. change the quality of your posts or I will kick you out of this area.


It seems that the FBI doesn't really know how the BitCoin sytem works. They think that, if they have his wallet, he wouldn't able to spend the money. Someone should tell them, that he just need a copy of his wallet. I want to see the faces if they crack the password and realize they spend all the time for 1 Mb of useless data.

I bet the site is back soon.

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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:48

Well, you are advising me
Zitat von fregmanfregman schrieb:change the quality of your posts or I will kick you out of this area.
but first you were the aggressor
Zitat von fregmanfregman schrieb:Your mom would say: "wtf are BitCoins" and you would probably answer "I have no fucking clue...".

Please stay away from this thread if your posts stay like that.
So please, calm down and be aware of your own words. This is not your own playground.



The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:51
Finally people can't buy drugs on the evil internet anymore and have to go through their local drug dealer, like any upstanding citizen. War on drugs my ass.

Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:51
Zitat von fregmanfregman schrieb:It seems that the FBI doesn't really know how the BitCoin sytem works. They think that, if they have his wallet, he wouldn't able to spend the money. Someone should tell them, that he just need a copy of his wallet. I want to see the faces if they crack the password and realize they spend all the time for 1 Mb of useless data.
Aren't they able to "freeze" the bitcoin money somehow? I confess, I really don't know the potential of the bitcoin system just as little


The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:57

Don't let me lie, but I'm pretty sure that they have no control whatsoever. They need the hashes of the BitCoins as far as I know and these are encrypted.

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Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 18:58
Zitat von fregmanfregman schrieb:Don't let me lie, but I'm pretty sure that they have no control whatsoever. They need the hashes of the BitCoins as far as I know and these are encrypted.
So, if this is true, the future of crime, is also truly determined.


The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 19:05

These markets aren't used for money laundry and drug deals just for fun ;)

But as I said there is still the BMR the second largest market I assume.

This is just like GEMA against streaming websites, bust one site, get some positive feedback and watch how 3 others appear a few weeks later.

Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 19:27

Yes, you're right. I told a guy, who believes, he knows his onions, (concerning drugs and so on), about the shut down of the silk road. He looked very surprised because he never heard about it and he is no exception I guess. Drug users are obviously often too distracted to go deeper into the worldwide web. But when this rule will change generally , the drug market also will become a completely different functionality. The golden age of the digital era has not took place yet...

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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 19:30
Zitat von Banana_JoeBanana_Joe schrieb:The golden age of the digital era has not took place yet...
Because they shut down a website that provides drugs, which are knowingly illegal in germany?

Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 19:32
Because the shut down a website that provides drugs, which are knowingly illegal in germany?
No that statement wasn't about drugs but a general statement concerning the digital age.

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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 19:39
Zitat von Banana_JoeBanana_Joe schrieb:the digital age
which excesses also became something like a drug, seemingly like a cancer, nowadays.

Banana_Joe Diskussionsleiter
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The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 19:41

Let me get that clear. You compare the internet with cancer?


The "Silk road" becomes a dead end road?

15.10.2013 um 19:44

Web 2.0, yes it's kind of
