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Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

58.916 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Michael Jackson, Thriller, Hoax ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

31.10.2010 um 22:30
Hallo, Ihr fleißigen Texter, jetzt muß ich mich auch mal wieder zu Wort melden, nach längerer Abwesenheit und vielem Nachlesen.
Also ich bin ja auch der Meinung, daß mit dem Fall 2003-2005 etwas anderes dahintersteckt.
Was komisch war, Michael hat doch gegen Sony in NY protestiert mit noch anderen Künstlern und hat da diesen Motolla oder wie der heißt angegriffen (Mafia-Verdacht). Kurz darauf begann dann die Hetzjagd auf ihn. Das kommt mir sehr verdächtig vor. Außerdem wurde Michael im Oktober 2003 für den Friedensnobelpreis nominiert und im November 2003 wurde Neverland auf den Kopf gestellt. Irgendetwas stimmt da nicht. Da muß wer Angst gehabt haben, daß Michael zu mächtig wird. Er war befreundet mit Bill Clinton, das kommt auch noch dazu und seine Ranch liegt in einem Gebiet von sehr konservativen Menschen, obwohl Californien eher demokratisch ist.
Ich glaube auch, daß dieser Sneddon einen großen Anteil an der ganzen Misere Michaels hatte.
Aber im tiefsten Inneren glaube ich, daß da irgendwer von Sony die Fäden gezogen hat.
Was ich nicht verstehe, warum wird das nicht untersucht? Oder wird es? Warum wehrt sich die Familie nicht gegen diesen ganzen Schmutz? Michael konnte sich wahrscheinlich nicht mehr wehren, weil er medikamentenabhängig war und er Angst hatte vor allen und jedem oder was auch immer.
Das der 1993-Fall so katastrophal für Michael ausging und ihm niemand(viele Amerikaner) nicht glaubten liegt an seiner ach so liebenden Familie, hier besonders Latoya, die sich ja sehr negativ über ihren Bruder geäußert hat in der Öffentlichkeit und keiner, aber gar keiner aus seiner Familie das dementiert hat !!! Die blöde Kuh! Ich hasse sie! Selbst wenn es wahr war, man stellt keinen aus seiner Familie blos. Entschuldigung, das mußte mal gesagt werden.
Ich war übrigens letzten Sonntag auf dem FL-Friedhof in Glandale. War sehr emotional und es waren auch etliche Fans von überallher aus den Staaten da, viele Tränen.
Aber jetzt ist es wieder gut.
Mußte mich endlich verabschieden.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

31.10.2010 um 22:40
@scooby-doo, damit Du nicht denkst, daß Dir keiner antwortet, das Bild habe ich schon gesehen, aber im Moment fällt mir nicht ein, wo. Es soll auf jeden Fall Kunst sein. Er hat so etwas geliebt.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

31.10.2010 um 22:51
du warst da ? das finde ich schön für dich !
ich glaube auch dass da was anderes dahinter gesteckt hat. 1993 war vlt ein blöde situation. aber genau das war es, was ihn angreifbar gemacht hat. wo sonst hätte man ihn packen können ?
sneddon hat nur auf seine chance gewartet. und die fam. von gavin war vlt auch leicht zu manipulieren. aber sie haben es letztendlich nicht geschafft ihn entgültig zu ruinieren. und jetzt wollte er vlt wieder irgendwas schaffen und schwupps ist er tot. wer weiß, wer da wirklich alles mitdrinsteckt.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

31.10.2010 um 23:08
doch noch einer munter, es ist ja eigentlich schon Mitternacht, nach alter Zeit.
Ich bin noch nicht fertig mit der Zeitumstellung und putzmunter.
Ja, es war ganz einfach bis zu dieser Holy-Terasse zu kommen, es standen natürlich Blumen herum und ob man da jetzt $ 3 bezahlen muß, um die Blumen da reinbringen zu lassen, wie bei TMZ berichtet, kann ich nicht bestätigen.
Manchmal denke ich, daß Michael selbst sich noch eine Dosis gesetzt hat, weil er wieder munter war und der Arzt war nicht da oder es war da gerade ein anderer im Zimmer.
Hies es nicht mal, daß der Doc in einem benachbarten Club war und das eine, wie nennt man das, Stripperin, also eine Mitarbeiterin aus dem Club an die Presse gegeben hat?


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

31.10.2010 um 23:33
Was den Musikkatalog angeht. Michael hatte nicht nur den einen. Er hat, da er ja soooo pleite war, 2003 noch einen gekauft. Muss nur noch mal nachsehen von wem der war


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

31.10.2010 um 23:38
Aber hat nicht Michael den Sony-Katalog so hoch beliehen, glaube 250 Mio Dollar? Das wird ja jetzt so nach und nach abgezahlt, also auch mit Zinsen.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

31.10.2010 um 23:54

Kann sein. Aber deswegen hat er den anderen trotzdem gekauft :D


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 08:17
Eminem ? Da hat er auch Rechte dran.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 08:19
Das Mj selbst nochmal nachgeholfen hat, glaub ich nicht. Und es war schon Vormittag, da ist doch Murray nicht mehr im Club gewesen.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 08:34

hatten wir das Video schon von Jermaine in Las Vegas?


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 08:50



Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 09:35
habe einen sehr interessanten Kommentar auf einen Artikel bei TMZ gelesen.Da schreibt einer, was evtl. zu einem Mordkomplott geführt hat, da muß einer schon mehr Hintergrundwissen haben, wie das hergeleitet wurde und schreibt auch, wenn das jemals aufgeklärt wird, wird er/sie wahrscheinlich schon im Pflegeheim sitzen.
Sehr zu empfehlen.
Ich weiß nicht ob oder wie das hier eingestellt werden sollte.Betrifft TMZ Artikel vom 26.10.10, 12.20h Joe Jackson"Stay out of your son`s estate " und dann Kommentar Nr. 337 von TSIG v. 30.10.2010


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 09:38
stimmt auch wieder, vormittags oder mittag, da wird er nicht in dem Club gewesen sein, aber man weiß ja nie,durchgehend geöffnet.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 09:40
Youtube: Michael Jackson está vivo, Katherine Jackson no recibió aún herencia ¿Porque? PARTE 52
Michael Jackson está vivo, Katherine Jackson no recibió aún herencia ¿Porque? PARTE 52
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Hier scheint ein gutes Video zu sein.Leider verstehe ich die Sprache nicht. Gibt es hier jemanden, der das verstehen kann? Es scheint um Katherine zu gehen und dass sie indirekt Beweise liefert, dass Michael lebt.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 09:57

hier ein Kommentar von TSIG
...IMO, they went to PLAN D...let him do concerts and cash in on him as much as possible through that, and use his assets (ATV, Mijac Catalogs, Neverland) as collateral for the concerts...I think they PLANNED FOR IT TO FAIL, but they needed for Michael to think everything was on point and in place for a successful run. (Jackson)started smelling a RAT, and rehired DiLeo and Branca, which was enough to let his enemies know he was on to they went to Plan E...EXTERMINATE. In order to determine if this was a conspiracy and who the culprits are, you only have to ask the question: WHO STANDS TO BENEFIT?

Cher, I'm glad you're bringing this up again and hope that you will continue to stay on it, because you seem to have a lot of knowledge about it. We've talked about this before, and I continue to believe that the biggest bombshell in the Michael Jackson story is still off the radar screen and will one day explode all over the front pages like a nuclear bomb, possibly including first degree murder charges. I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI were working on it right now behind the scenes. It may take a decade or two, but I think eventually it will surface.

We will have to agree to disagree on Branca; I see him as a good guy who has helped Michael through the years and is doing an excellent job as executor of the estate. Same for DiLeo. It's been said that DiLeo had/has ties to the Gambino crime family, but he seems to have done a good job for Michael in the past and one assumes that he was poised to help him with his comeback this time around. Sony I'm not sure about; as you mention, they could have acted to gain control of Jackson's share of the catalogue but did not seem to aggressively pursue it. It's been said that Sony offered to refinance Jackson's loan with Colony Capital against his share of the catalogue, but Sony had to know that Colony Capital had a right to match Sony's offer and retain the loan, which is exactly what Colony Capital did, so it almost seems as if Sony was doing Jackson a favor in order to get Jackson's usurious interest rate down. So, for now, I'm crossing Sony off my list too.

But that leaves plenty of others. It's my belief that the main culprits include (not necessarily in this order):

1) The mysterious Thome Thome, who describes himself as a "self-made financier," and who stated that he was working for Jackson for free, surfacing after death with bags full of millions of dollars of Jackson's cash (though we don't know how much was siphoned off to private accounts overseas, and for how long); Thome doesn't like answering questions about himself and his past; says he is "a private man"; Thome was involved in the refinancing of Jackson's loan against the ATV catalogue;

2) Tom Barrack, the 227th richest American, and his investment firm Colony Capital. No one involved in setting up this loan wanted Jackson to be able to pay off the loan against the ATV catalogue: the interest rate was blacked out on the financial do***ents released by Branca that TMZ posted recently on this site, but it was described as extremely high (paraphrase), and when you set an interst rate that high, you don't want the loan paid back -- you ultimately want to get your hands on the collateral, in this case the ATV catalogue; in fact, IMMEDIATELY upon Jackson's death (I think the SAME WEEK), Colony Capital made a "discreet" inquiry about buying Jackson's share of the ATV catalogue, but Branca told them the asset "wasn't for sale");

3) Al Malkin (described as having made his vast fortune as a loan shark and "pay day lender," with ties to the mob), who stated that Jackson made him the executor of his will and who also stated that he had a "right" (THAT'S a strange, scary word to use!) to Jackson's last-born son (Blanket). "Good friend" Malkin "helped out" Jackson by arranging to refinance the loan on Jackson's ATV catalogue. I think Thome introduced Malkin and Jackson, and it is my belief that Malkin, Thome, and Colony Capital set up this loan to fail, so that Jackson would never be able to pay it back, even with an extraordinary number of sold-out concerts. (If you have a $3M loan, and pay, say, 23% interest, that's almost $70M A YEAR IN INTEREST ALONE. How do you pay $70 million in interest a year, PLUS the principal, even if you're Michael Jackson? And I suspect that the interest rate may have been higher.) No one works for free, especially not self-made financiers, and Thome was probably counting on getting a piece of the action when Jackson lost his catalogue. It was probably written into the loan do***ents. Thome also had a conflict of interest, because I believe he owns/runs a marketing company that is a subsidiary of Colony Capital.

4) Philip Anschutz of AEG, described as both a "Christian fundamentalist" and a "secretive," "reclusive," or "shadowy" billionaire, with an estimated worth of $80B. Also described by Fortune magazine as America's "greediest executive." I believe that Branca described how he renegotiated the terms of certain deals made with AEG and others so that they were more advantageous to Michael. It's been a while since I've read that do***ent dump described above. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on the details. But the gist of it is that someone(s) was negotiating deals for Michael that weren't as favorable as they could be for him. They were probably going to make him work his butt off, leading him to believe that he was making plenty of money to pay off his loans, but really lining the pockets of the people who set up these deals, with relatively little going to Jackson. How would Jackson know? He's a singer, not a lawyer or an accountant.

5) Dr. Conrad Murray. How much of the millions secretly stolen and squirreled away by Thome Thome was Murray given to participate in the murder plot? I remember soon after death it was reported that paramedics who arrived on the scene noted on a medical form F-902M that "lividity" had already set in. Lividity occurs when the blood in the top of your body settles to the bottom of your body, indicating that you've been dead for hours. Apparently, Jackson had been dead for quite a while before Conrad Murray began his "act" of attempting to save Jackson's life, and then getting around to calling in paramedics. When did Jackson really die, and why a delay of HOURS before calling for help? It doesn't add up. I'll bet that someone is telling Conrad: "Just endure the trial. It's unlikely you'll be convicted. Even if you are, you won't be in for long, and when you get out, there will be tens of millions waiting for you in a secret account overseas."

There's a pattern here: "private," "secretive," "reclusive,"
"shadowy" men, loansharking, ties to the mob... Sounds to me as if Jackson was in WAY over his head and that he was being robbed blind. Although having a good head for the marketing/business side of music, without the extensive education and training of a financial professional, it would have been very easy to dupe Jackson into thinking that the exorbitant loan rates and conditions were "standard practice," and to lead him to believe that they were "helping" him and that he would eventually be able to repay the loans they were setting up, when these crooks knew full well that they were setting him up for financial DISASTER. With their smiling faces, seemingly friendly handshakes and warm hospitality, they were laying a terrible trap for him.

I think what was going on here is that they were hoping to make hundreds of millions off of Michael during his comeback tour, have him become wildly popular again, but never allow him to make enough to pay off his debts. All the while they would keep this info from him until the very end. Despondent, Jackson would end it all, and they would be in possession of his assets, since, as his creditors, they would have seized them when he couldn't repay his loans. Then, when they owned the ATV catalogue, the MiJac catalogue, Neverland, and Hayvenhurst, as well as other Jackson business assets, they would essentially own the Jackson estate and make billions upon his untimely death.

Jackson threw a monkey wrench into the works, though. I agree with you Cher, that he grew suspicious, and when he rehired Branca and DiLeo, it threw his enemies into an aggressive panic and they decided to "off" him. They knew that Thome would be out as manager and no longer be able to manipulate Jackson. Even worse, they knew that Branca would soon unravel what they've all been doing and ruin their plans, maybe even sending some to jail. I believe there are legal remedies available when you create contracts so injurious/exploitative to the other party that no reasonable person would have agreed to such contracts, and Branca probably would have pursued that to extricate Jackson from some of those ruinous loans and business deals.

Jackson was killed only about TWO WEEKS after Branca was rehired; they probably didn't know about the will naming Branca as executor and assumed that Malkin would be the executor, so Branca could be quickly eliminated. As I mentioned above, IMMEDIATELY after (within DAYS) of Jackson's death, Colony Capital made a "discreet offer" to buy Jackson's share of the ATV catalogue. IT IS WHAT THEY WANTED ALL ALONG.

Someday, someone is going to write a huge, thick book just about Jackson's murder and these shadowy characters and the convoluted business deals and financial mismanagement behind the murder. Hopefully, some of them will wind up behind bars. I will probably be in a nursing home when it finally happens.

I have a great deal of respect and admiration for Michael Jackson but am not a huge Jackson fan, so I am not well versed in these characters and their business associations and the deals made, etc. So if anyone sees anything that needs to be corrected, please post the corrections, because I want to get the facts straight and do not want to post erroneous info as factual. Cher, you seem to be a good source for this type of info. Please keep us up to date in your postings on these matters so that we can achieve justice for Michael


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 10:33
Danke für den Artikel.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 10:35
Bitteschön ! ;-)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 11:10
Natürlich sollte man sich über die Rolle von Sony Gedanken machen, aber ich denke doch, daß wir uns damit in die Sackgasse begeben. Es gab eindeutig Differenzen zwischen Sony und Michael zu Zeiten Mottolas, aber mit dessen Abgang dürften die beigelegt worden sein, immerhin hat ja Michael wieder mit Sony in seiner letzten Zeit zusammen gearbeitet.
Auf Grund seiner finanziellen Misere war er damals in Darlehen mit Wucherzinsen getrieben worden, seine derzeitigen Finanzverwalter haben diese Verträge jetzt offensichtlich umschulden und in wesentlich günstigere Darlehen zu erheblich besseren Konditionen umwandeln können.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 11:16
da magst du durchaus Recht haben was Sony und Michael betrifft - in der Öffentlichkeit, aber man weiß ja nie wie es hinter den Kulissen ausgesehen hat ob nicht beide ein falsches Spiel getrieben haben und einer den anderen hintergehen wollte.
Ich selbst glaube nicht unbedingt, dass zwischen den beiden Friede Freude Eierkuchen war nach all den Stress den sie hatten. Aber wir wissen es nicht und können nur rätseln.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

01.11.2010 um 11:17
das ist ja supernett, dass du diesen Artikel reinstellst aber ...
do you speak english? hmm
gut, ich werde ihn mir übersetzen lassen und mal schaun ob ich es versteh ;-)
