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Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

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Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 12:11
Schaut euch mal diesen Link an das ist eine Zusammenfassung von Pearljr. auf dieser Seite hat sie einiges zusammengetragen wo es um den Hoax gehen soll. Sehr interessant ! (Archiv-Version vom 05.11.2011)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 12:11
das sind auszüge aus frank cascio`s buch

-Frank's dedication to Michael: "To Michael, my teacher--thank you for being a father, a brother, a mentor, and a friend, and for the greatest adventure I could ever have imagined I love you, and I miss you every day

-Frank says that Michael explained his marriage to Lisa Marie as a business deal. Michael said that he needed to appear as if he was a family man to Prince Al-Waleed especially after the 1993 allegations. However, it kind of seems as if Frank doesn't really believe that was the entire case. He also said that they were intimate and he thinks that Michael really just wanted to have children. He said that Michael complained that Lisa liked to fight and that Michael's response would be to just sit there clapping and smiling And although, Lisa said that they remained close for four years after the divorce, Frank said he hardly ever saw them together. But Frank does believe that Lisa thought the marriage was real.

-Michael also said that the marriage to Debbie was for business as well. He married her because Prince Al-Waleed didn't like the idea of him having children outside of marriage. Based on the book, Debbie and Michael lived separately and rarely had contact but they were still good friends. During this time, Michael also had a few casual girlfriends with some of his fans.

-According to Frank, Michael had a lot of love for his family but always kept them at a distance. He said that Michael always praised Randy for his musical talents and that he could play any instrument he wanted. Interestingly, Frank said that while Michael forgave La Toya for what she said in 1993 but he still wanted nothing to do with her. And Michael had had problems with Jermaine contracting him to appearances and business deals without his permission and so even though he loved Jermaine, he had to keep him at a distance, which Jermaine then wrote Word to the Badd in response, and while Michael eventually forgave, he wanted nothing to do with him after that.

-Michael did not want to reunite with his brothers for the 30th reunion special, especially because he didn't want to deal with Jermaine, but he did for his mother

-From what I gather, It was actually Frank who had the meeting in the World Trade Centers on 9/11 to return a $2 million watch that Michael had worn in the 30th anniversary special to the Bank of America

Ok this is where it gets really sad:

-based on everything I've read so far, it seems that everything went downhill after the 1993 allegations. Frank made sure to emphasize that NOTHING inappropriate happened when him and his brothers stayed with Michael. It was also interesting to note that every time Frank and Jordie were both at Neverland, Jordie always stayed in the Guest units and based on my interpretation, it didn't seem like Michael and Jordie were as close as the press made them out to be.

-Michael did take demerol in 1984 after the Pepsi incident and in 1993 but he wasn't addicted. Here is a quote about him going to rehab in '93:
"in later years, Michael would explain to me that the cancellation of the tour had had nothing to do with drug addiction. It was because his next tour date was in Puerto Rico, on American soil, and if he had entered the United States at this time, there was a very real chance that he would have been arrested on the allegations of child molestation. To avoid his arrest, his team of handlers had to come up with a way to get him out of the rest of the tour. The only way to guarantee that the part of the tour that was canceled would be covered by insurance would be if Michael opted out because of a medical problem..."

-According to Frank, Michael really became dependent after his bridge accident in 1999. This was the first time that he witnessed Michael receiving propofol. Frank became increasingly concerned when he noticed all of the medication Michael was receiving and at times doctors would put prescriptions in Frank's name. However, Michael told Frank it was because he was in extraordinary pain and he had been entertaining since he was five and it was catching up to his body. So at first, Frank trusted the doctors.

-But Frank really started to worry when Michael once told him, "One thing doctors can't measure and diagnose is pain. If you tell them you're in pain, they have to treat you based on what you feel." Frank told him he didn't want to end up like Elvis but Michael said he didn't have a problem.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 12:14
die seite hat sie schon immer, da macht sie unter anderem auch werbung für ihr e-movie book. kann man auch auf amazon kaufen.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 12:16
hier gehts noch weiter mit frank cascio`s buch

He goes in to more detail and other stories of drug abuse but I found this one particular sad:
"I had never seen Michael in such a state. Neve, ever in my life...I covered Michael's face with my jacket and loaded him into the wheelchair, and we all went upstairs: Michael in the wheelchair, Grace, Prince, Paris, the two other security guards, and I. When everyone started to pile into the room, I suddenly felt like I couldn't take it anymore and I blew up. 'Grace, Take the kids!' I demanded and sent them away. Security was trying to explain what had happened, but I didn't even let them get started. 'How could you let this happen?' I exploded. 'He can't even fucking talk. His kids were on the train with him! His kids saw this! Everyone get the fuck out of this room.'...I ordered some Gatorade from room service so Michael could start to hydrate. Then I turned to him and said, 'Why the fuck did you do this to yourself? What did you take?'
Michael was honest with me. 'I was drinking vodka--and then I took a Xanax.'
'You're a fucking idiot for doing that in front of your kids,' I fumed.
'It wasn't in front of them,' he mumbled, which I guessed was possible...then Michael announced, 'They are trying to fuck me.'
'Who is trying to fuck you?'
'The Firm.' He was referring to his managers. He told me to get one of them on the phone...[Frank says he shouldn't talk to anyone on this condition but he grabbed the phone]
'I'm the biggest artist in the world,' he began. 'And you're treating me like this? You're supposed to be working for me, fighting for what I want and what's best for this album. You haven't shown me a marketing plan. I've been asking for a plan for six months and I haven't seen a thing. WHere's the plan? You're purposely trying to sabotage this album. You're fucking traitor....I'd never heard him raise his voice and yell at someone, but now he was screaming: 'Fuck you, fuck you, you're fired. Stay out of my life. If you don't believe in me, there are other people who do.'

Basically he goes on to explain that Michael thought Sony and his Firm were in cahoots to scheme to get his Beatles catalog. He thought that Michael understood that he needed to get better. Michael did start to get better by getting the help of Dr. Farshchian who started to wean Michael off of the drugs by putting a patch on his stomach but then Michael eventually went back on drugs.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 12:26
Wir sollten den stoppen mit seinen Lügen! Das ist doch wohl nicht wahr,was er da macht... schaut euch das bitte mal an!


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 12:27

Ach so ok ! Wusste ich nciht habe mich in letzter Zeit nicht so ganz mit dem Thema beschäftigt !!


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 12:29
Ich habe ihn jetzt blockieret. :D Bitte würdet ihr das auch tun!?


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 12:51
Habe ihm einen Kommentar dagelassen !!


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 12:56
Ich auch :D konnte es mir nicht verkneifen..haha


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 15:42
ohh was schreibt sie den jetzt..Ö_Ö Michael bekommt einen neue Identität!? Neuer Name,warscheinlich neues Aussehen.......und wie sollen wir dann wissen ob er es wirklich ist?

mjviva mjviva
His new identity is already in place. MJ is not ready 2 accept the distorted mask forced on him so he killed the MJ u know. MJ aka mjviva

Seine neue Identität ist bereits vorhanden. MJ ist nicht bereit 2 akzeptieren die verzerrte Maske auf ihn gezwungen, so tötete er den MJ Sie wissen.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 15:45
MJ is coming back with a new identity & his singing dancing era is over. some more videos will b released termed as old work. MJ aka mjviva

MJ kommt zurück mit einer neuen Identität und seinen Gesang Tanz-Ära ist vorbei. einige weitere Videos werden b freigesetzt als alte Arbeit bezeichnet. MJ aka mjviva


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 15:57
mjviva mjviva
Mj is not interested in making the whole world believe. He knows his followers will know. His fans will know.

(Mj ist nicht daran interessiert, die ganze Welt zu glauben. Er kennt seine Anhänger wissen. Seine Fans wissen.)

MJ put this hoax out here 2 see how people react towards this.The same way they reacted towards tabloids. Clues but no proof. MJ aka mjviva

(MJ Diesen Scherz hier 2 zu sehen, wie die Menschen in diese Richtung zu reagieren. Die gleiche Art, wie sie in Richtung Boulevardpresse reagierte. Hinweise aber keine Beweise. MJ aka mjviva)

MJ will connect to you all through his work and music. His fans will know his work. They will see him in his work. MJ aka mjviva

(MJ wird Ihnen alle durch seine Arbeit und Musik zu verbinden. Seine Fans werden wissen, seine Arbeit. Sie werden ihn in seiner Arbeit zu sehen. MJ aka mjviva)

So the hoax is legit. MJ is alive. MJ involved all of you in the adventure. you have not lost the creator or the man. MJ aka mjviva

(So die Falschmeldung ist legitim. MJ lebt. MJ beteiligt euch alle in das Abenteuer. Sie haben nicht die Urheber oder den Mann verloren. MJ aka mjviva)

MJ will always tell you in signs his presence in his work. Maybe you won't feel bad but relieved at this freedom. MJ aka mjviva

(MJ wird immer sagen, in Zeichen seiner Gegenwart in seine Arbeit. Vielleicht wirst du nicht schlecht fühlen, aber erleichtert auf diese Freiheit. MJ aka mjviva)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 16:05
mjviva mjviva
You must understand, MJJ has been distorted by media. His face projected as sin. How long the artist can suffer. Can you tell? MJ aka mjviva

(Sie müssen verstehen, hat MJJ von den Medien verzerrt worden. Sein Gesicht als Sünde projiziert. Wie lange kann der Künstler leiden. Können Sie sagen? MJ aka mjviva)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 16:41
Halli Hallo an alle!
Danke ihr zwei für eure informativen Einträge. ;) Beides sehr interessant zu lesen. :)
Stérnchen, hast du eventuell einen Link zu dem Buch von Frank Cascio? Weisst du ob es das Buch schon irgendwo gibt?


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 16:42
Truth is painful. MJ is alive & in connection with u all. wont u forgive the physical absence as his mind & heart is with u. MJ aka mjviva

(Die Wahrheit ist schmerzhaft. MJ lebt und in Verbindung mit euch allen. pflegen Sie verzeihen die physische Abwesenheit als seinen Geist und Herz ist mit u. MJ aka mjviva)

Now you all are informed. Keep waiting 4 the man the way u want him or let him b what he wants 2 b. Choice is yours. MJ aka mjviva

(Jetzt können Sie alle sind informiert. Keep Waiting 4 der Mann, wie Sie wollen ihn oder lassen Sie ihn, was er will 2 sein. Qual der Wahl. MJ aka mjviva)

_ 2 yrs worth of investigation is enough 2 tell that MJ is alive. U wont hear him say that the way u think it should be. MJ aka mjviva

(_ 2 Jahre im Wert von Untersuchung ist genug 2 tell, dass MJ lebt. Sie pflegt ihn sagen hören, dass, wie Sie denken es sein sollte. MJ aka mjviva)

_ I know u tend to be volatile in tweets. Hell waits 4 judgement. Keep waiting & u will realize the truth 1 day. MJ aka mjviva

(_ Ich weiß, Sie sind in der Regel volatiler in tweets. Hölle wartet 4. Entscheidung. Halten Sie warten und ihr werdet die Wahrheit erkennen, 1 Tag. MJ aka mjviva)

This has been told. MJ is alive & working but not willing 2 come back as MJJ. MJ aka mjviva

(Dies wurde gesagt. MJ lebt und arbeitet, aber nicht bereit, 2 zurück, als MJJ kommen. MJ aka mjviva)

So if u continue to wait for physical proof right in front. then its ur choice. Keep looking 4 a come back but know he is already here.

(Also, wenn Sie für physikalische Nachweis direkt vor warten weiter. dann ihre Wahl.Such weiter 4 a zurückkommen, aber weiß, dass er schon hier.)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 17:22
Ich habe die Tweets auch gelesen und ich muss sagen, dass er/sie sich damit endgültig als Lügner entlarvt hat. Diese Aussagen sind eine Drehung um 180 ° und passen in keinster Weise zu den vorangegangenen Aussagen, die zu einem bevorstehenden "BAM" gemacht wurden, sogar mit Ort und Datum. Auf einmal sollen wir ihn suchen in den zukünftig veröffentlichten künstlerischen Werken, vielleicht auch noch mit ihrer/seiner Hilfe? Irgendwann ist wirklich genug. Schon diese Aussage, Michael wäre 3X als Juror beim Prozess dabei gewesen, da geht ja wohl die Fantasie durch! Das wäre doch ganz sicher aufgefallen, zumindest die Gefahr dafür wäre viel zu groß gewesen. Es ist nur schlimm für die Fans, die in ihren Informationen so eine Art Rettungsseil gesehen haben, die nun bitter enttäuscht sind. Sie tun mir ehrlich leid.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 17:32

Das Buch von Frank Cascio hätte ich ja gerne. Sicher wäre es entspannter, in deutscher Sprache zu lesen. Aber ich schätze, das wirds wohl nicht geben. Also muss ich mich wohl durchquälen.....hat von Euch schon jemand das Wiesner Buch??? Und wenn.....lohnt es sich??

Heute morgen hat ja jemand @Wendy2 ?das Video von Pearl reingestellt. Ich finde nun nicht, dass das so super zweideutig zu verstehen ist. Aber Pearl hat sich ja sehr gefreut, dass Cascio diese Valder Beebe gefragt hat, ob sie( Pearl) denn wüßte wo Michael wäre. Ich stimme allerdings zu, dass Frank Cascio irgendwie witzig reagiert hat, auf die ganze Hoaxfrage. Gar nicht ablehnend oder verärgert, sondern eher amüsiert.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 17:33
Danke Hanne ,das du das auch so siehst. Ich war mir nicht sicher was ich davon halten soll....habe hier echt nur gedacht: alles nur Blah Blah Blah


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

20.11.2011 um 17:37

War eignetlich noch jemand von euch im chat gestern abend? Ich habe wohl gehört was sie sagte,aber nicht viel verstanden....die war so schnell am quasseln. :D
