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Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

58.916 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Michael Jackson, Thriller, Hoax ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 13:42
Es wäre auch interessant zu erfahren, was Janet damit meinte, dass die Fans endlich die Wahrheit wissen sollten.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 14:05
Youtube: Michael Jackson Hoax Death-Joe Jackson,Latoya etc..
Michael Jackson Hoax Death-Joe Jackson,Latoya etc..
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Gutes Video. Es geht um Joe, Der hat doch tatsächlich gesagt, Michael wäre nicht bei seinen Angehörigen. Er vermied das Wort, tot, gestorben oder von uns gegangen.

Latoja sprach in Russland auch in der Gegenwart von Michael. Aber das hatten wir schon.

Ausserdem geht es wieder um die allgegenwärtigen Müllgefäße.

Und es geht um die Frage, ob Michael selbst dieses Formular ausgefüllt hat. Aber seht selbst.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 14:14
Hier ein Artikel über den "lieben" Dave Dave von jemanden der mit ihm Kontakt hatte
The real Dave Dave
by MJOne » Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:32 pm

Okay today i received an email from a anonymous source asking me to post this email this source send to the british tabloid magazine The Sun… This is the real truth regarding Dave Dave.. I was asked to post the letter here..
To Whom It May Concern at the Sun,
I wish to keep my name anonymous at this time because I have information about Dave Dave, a former friend of mine.
After reading the Sun article the week of May 10, 2010 regarding the fans thinking Dave Dave is actually Michael Jackson in disguise, Dave Dave and I had a hard week that ultimately ruined our friendship.
On May 15, 2010 at 10:36 PM I received a text message from him stating he wanted to “talk” and asking me if I ” was home so he can call me.”
He called me and we got into a bit of a debate over what the attorney’s at the Jackson estate had told him that day regarding a lawsuit against the Sun….
When I called Dave to notify him that the Sun had published an article regarding him and a possible Michael Jackson hoax, he immediately tried finding a way to sue the SUN and gain more attention. I was more concerned about his safety at school, being mauled by fans of Michael’s, NOT because I think or know he is Michael, but for Dave’s own safety as I know he is not Michael.
There have been many emails and phone conversations between me and Dave since about December regarding his MySpace page, twitter and so on.
I have had a hard time with the fact that he knows there are hoax videos on YouTube so he plays with the minds of fans.
I have been on the phone with him countless amounts of times while he is reading comments and private messages from Michael’s fans while laughing at them and using curse words to describe how pathetic and stupid they are.
I asked him to stop playing with their heads and to stop posing as Michael if he was really Michael’s friend.
During the phone call on the 15th of May, the call became irrate on Dave’s part when he started yelling at me to shut my mouth because “If Michael’s fans are stupid enough to think I’m Michael, then let them do it.” I told him he needed to post a comment on his MySpace page telling them that he is NOT MJ and he refused, telling me that he doesn’t care to waste his time.
The attorney’s he spoke to for a possible lawsuit against the Sun’s May 10, 2010 article told him that day that they couldn’t sue the Sun because he was bringing this on himself by posing as Michael on his MySpace. That, coupled with the “third eye video” that he made , posing as a musician for a music MySpace account, and his “Michael-like” pictures and comments, makes it impossible for anyone to defend him.
I asked him myself why he has a MySpace Music account because he only has a drum machine and is not known as having any talent, other than knowing Michael Jackson, and his response was to scream at me. I have a recorded conversation of me talking to Dave while he was messing around with his drum machine and talking about posting it on his MySpace page.
He knew I was very much against his games on his MySpace and I was in his way.
He had left comments intentionally on his MySpace page from Michael’s fans asking if he is Michael, ignoring them, leaving room for them to believe he is Michael, while deleting my comments, ALL of them.
I would leave a comment such as “I hope you are feeling better today” and it would be deleted within 5 minutes. But he leaves the ones asking if he is Michael Jackson.
Dave is knowingly misleading Michael’s fans by posting headlines on his MySpace that say things such as
“The Man The Myth The Legend” and the day he found out about the SUN article, he posted a headline on his MySpace that said “Wanted Dead Or Alive” then tweeted the same thing and talked about the SUN article and also tweeted Randy Jackson to call him.
If the Jackson family is so close to Dave, then he should have no problem reaching them on the phone without tweeting a request publicly for one of them to call him.. The remarks he has made to me regarding the Jackson brothers are ones of pure jealousy and hatred…..
He also knows that the hoaxers on YouTube believe he was MJ in disguise on the LKL show and refuses to set them straight. The reason for this is because he looks important in Michael’s life so why would he be honest?
After getting to know Dave on a personal, friendship level, I believe he is unstable and possibly a sick twist.
I became very aware of how seriously desperate he is to take Michael’s place and attention around January 2010 when he told me that the topic was not up for discussion and became irrate when I would speak Michael’s name or talk about how much I love him. He sent me hate mail when I created an email account reflecting my love for Michael in May 2010.
Michael’s fans are dirt to Dave and calls them “FAKE”, he has told me that he “hates” Michael’s fans and wishes they would all shut the F*** up”
I believe his sole purpose of his MySpace page is for the misleading of the MJ fans and to gain the attention that he watched Michael have from childhood when Dave met him.
Although Dave’s tragic childhood upset me and many people very much, that was never good enough for him. He doesn’t want to be known as the little boy scarred by his abusive father who set him on fire and was rescued by Michael Jackson…He wants to be known as someone he is not…..A friend to Michael Jackson…calling himself “Michael’s best friend.”
It was always ok with Dave to talk about his “celebrity status with me, or his friendship with Michael or say things like “Look who I AM” but he knew I knew better than that. He plays the Michael Jackson card to his advantage and that is not a friend.
He knows he would have no name if it weren’t for Michael Jackson.
Out of all the children in this world who have been abused by their parents, raped by their fathers and tortured as a child and grew up wishing they had a chance to meet their hero Michael, for some reason, Michael chose Dave Dave…Dave made his own choice on how to handle that and the meaning to him was not to have appreciation and respect for Michael, but rather, to find hatred for other victims and Michael’s fans.
I also believe Dave is being far less than honest about how involved he has been with Michael J. as an adult.
There was a woman who left a comment on Dave’s MySpace in January asking him to make a phone call to a little boy who had been set on fire by his own father and Dave asked me to respond to her telling her he “Doesnt have time for that shit” and he never did it. I was shocked that Dave was not willing to pay forward what Michael did for him when he was in a burn unit as a child.
This letter is not intended to hurt Dave or cause him pain, it is intended for the purpose of revealing how I believe he has disrespected Michael, his fans, friends and family and to shed some light on the real man at (Dave has spent many years trying to mimic Michael, he’s good at it online but awful at it in person)
I believe that what Dave has done and is doing now is eating at him but he doesn’t know how to stop.
I believe Michael would be/IS appalled at his behavior and attention seeking ways. Noone else that Dave knows will ever come forward with what they know of him, but I’m not afraid to do just that.
anonymous source


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 14:33
Na, wenn das stimmt, ist DD aber gar kein Netter.....
Vorstellen könnte ich mir das, dass er sich im Ruhm sonnt und deshalb nicht widerspricht, ja die Gerüchte sogar antreibt. Wer kannte vorher schon DD?


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 14:40
Bei so viel Text verstehe ich leider nicht einmal die Hälfte, schade eigentlich. :( Englisch nutzt mir das alles nicht sonderlich viel, allerdings kann ich auch verstehen, wenn ihr das alles nicht noch übersetzt reinschreiben wollt.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 14:43
Muss dir recht geben lässt sich schlecht lesen.......aber so wie ich das verstehe ist DD wohl kein so lieber und artiger.... :D


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 16:20
Im Prinzip gehts darum, dass DD die MJ-Fans wissentlich und mit voller Absicht vera........
Er sagt angeblich, wenn sie dumm genug sind zu glauben, er wäre MJ, dann bekommen sie es auch. Ausserdem soll er einem kleinen Jungen, der wohl in ähnlicher Lage war, wie er als Kind, nicht geholfen haben, weil er da keinen Bock drauf hat. Das alles behauptet ja eine anonyme Quelle. Von daher ist es sehr schwer zu sagen, ob das auch so ist.

Aber mal ganz ehrlich, wenn Mike tot sein sollte, hat DD schon ganz schön viel für den Hoax getan und freut sich über die Aufmerksamkeit.

Mal was ganz anderes: Du hast sicher meine Posts von heute gelesen? Ich las Deine Übersetzung dieser Leute, die gestern die Jacksons am Hinterausgang getroffen haben auch. Sie wollen damit sagen, dass dieser Wachmann mehr oder weniger behauptet hätte, dass Michael im Saal sei. Dann hat TMZ auch sowas geschrieben. Wie ist Deine Meinung dazu? Kannst Du Dir persönlich vorstellen, dass er sich in eine solche Situation bringen würde? Oder glaubst Du, der Wachmann hat die Leute veralbert und TMZ spielt mit uns Hoaxern?


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 16:27

Hier, das ist wohl the Jackson dynastie. Gibts jetzt auch bei uns.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 16:46

Und ein schönes, schon bekanntes Video in Deutsch!


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 16:51
Ok, ich bin hier wohl ganz alleine. Dann geh ich jetzt erst mal, schnüff...


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 16:53
ich könnte mir schon vorstellen das er verkleidet mit im saal war....

1x zitiertmelden

Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 17:01
Zitat von nici2222nici2222 schrieb: ich könnte mir schon vorstellen das er verkleidet mit im saal war
Das denke ich nicht. Der Wachmann will ihn erkannt haben, und die Fans nicht und Reporter nicht???? Na ich weiß ja nicht


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 17:09
das vieo ist echt klasse,jetzt weiß ich warum der ganze wirbel um diese gilda :D


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 17:12
ich muss mal nach fragen, um welchen saal handelt es sich? ,meint ihr bei murray?? bei der verhandlung?? da soll mj gewesen sein??


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 17:15
ja im gerichtssaal


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 17:16
schade das es keine bilder von saal gibt durften überhaupt bilder gemacht werden? von der presse?


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 17:17
echt das wäre ja genial :D gibts da bilder oder sowas? ich weiß ja nicht ob irgendwo ein video gibt vielleicht von tmz wo man das sehen kann


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 17:22
haben wir nicht von anfang an gesagt, das murray davon kommt? iost doch der beste beweis, er darf die lizenz behalten ,ja und warum ?? weil er mj nicht ermordet hat, weil er unschuldig ist, und warum noch, weil mj lebt und unter uns weillt :D


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

15.06.2010 um 17:24

Bei der letzten Anhörung im April sind Kameras auch verboten worden. In der ersten Anhörung im Februar waren noch Kameras erlaubt,. Dann wude alles zerpflückt. Komische Autos im Gerichtssaal, Kunstblumen usw. Deswegen war es bei der zweiten erst mit Kamera, und es sagte nachher jemand... filmen verboten. Diesmal wurde die Kamera gleich ganz ausgelassen.

Was mich allerdings wundert... Hab da gar nichts von gehört. Wurde diesmal nicht getwittert????? Rennen doch sonst auch alle mit Technik rein, um alles zu berichten.

Ich fand es eh sehr ruhig. Keiner hat wirklich berichtet. TMZ aber was ist mit ET-online oder die anderen amerikanischen Sendern??

Noch zwei Anhörungen, und man hört gar nichts mehr
