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Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

58.916 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Michael Jackson, Thriller, Hoax ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:03
sorry gehört nicht gerade zum Thema aber bitte schaut euch das mal an...:D :D (Video: jada singing michael jackson's stranger in moscow)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:03
News of the Word, das ist auch so ein britisches Klatschblatt, also dem darf man keinen Glauben schenken.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:05
es gab auch noch ein anderes bett das sah eher nach seinem aus. bei dem oben fehlte mir was.

soweit ich weiß hatte murray trausem im häuschen sein kleines rweich


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:08
süüüüüüüüüüüüß, passt genau hierher!


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:11
och gott wie süßßßßß, is ja toll


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:12

Ja normal stell ich sowas nicht ein aber dieses musste ich euch einfach zeigen .... :)))


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:12
o.k. ist schlimmster gossip, wie Hollywood Gossip auch


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:18
how sweet:-)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:23
Ja so kann man die Auflage steigern. Die haben anhand des Coroner-Berichts, und da steht ja detailliert drin, wie das Zimmer aussah und was dort vorgefunden wurde, eine Szenen-Nachstellung gemacht und dieses dann fotografiert.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:29
von It is our loving duty to keep Michael´s the name of L.O.V.E, Montag, 10. Januar 2011 um 09:02

"A pharmacy of drugs" such BS! This is how the media likes to spin everything. So this is what was found at the house:












Propofol and Lidocaine are used together. Lidocaine is not medication it is used in conjunction with Propofol because Propofol burns when it's being injected. So right there you can cross Lidocaine off the list. They're trying to make it sound like it was something separate when it wasn't.

Then there's Lorazepam. The Lorazepam was prescribed on April 28, 2009 and contained 30 pills. On June 25, 2009-two months later- there will still 9 pills remaining. So Michael took 21 pills of this in a two month time span.

Then there's Diazepam. It was issued on June 20, 2009 (the same day Michael was told he was going to lose everything if he backed out of the concerts) One thing Diazepam treats is anxiety. What person wouldn't have anxiety after being treated the way Michael was at the meeting. I think for someone to tell you they are going to take your children away would cause anyone to have anxiety. Anyway...there were 60 pills of Diazepam prescribed on June 20, 2009 and on June 25, 2009 there were 57 remaining. That means he only took three within the span of 5-6 days.

Then there's Temazepam. This was prescribed in December of 2008 and on June 25, 2009 there were still 3 pills left. This was something he had stopped taking a while ago and Temazepam did not show up in the toxicology report.

Then there's Trazodone. This was issued to him in April of 2009. It was a prescription for 60 pills and on June 25 there were still 38 pills left. This was also something he stopped taking quite some time ago. Trazodone did not show up in the toxicology report.

Then there's Flomax. Flomax has nothing to do with any of this. I don't even know why they mentioned it.

Then there's Clonazepam. This was issued in April with 30 pills and on June 25 there were still 8 remaining. Once again, something he was no longer taking. This was not found in his toxicology report either.

Then there's Tizanidine. A prescription for ten pills was issued on June 7, 2009 and on June 25, 2009 there were 8 left. So in the span of more than two weeks, he took two of these pills. Tizanidine was also not found in the toxicology report.

Last but not least there's Hydrocodone (wrongly mentioned in the Autopsy report and is HYDROQUINONE instead) and Benoquin. I have no idea why these are even listed. They are not medication. They are creams and lotions that Michael used for his skin.

So, out of all of that BS what they found in Michael was: Propofol, Lorazepam, Diazepam, and Tizanidine. And guess who gave him ALL of that in the early morning of June 25, 2009...Dr. Murray.

If you were to go inside a random person's house and look at the medication they have, I guarantee you that you would find close to the same amount of prescriptions as Michael had. It's clear to see he was not taking this day in and day out. When people have medication that doesn't work or that they don't feel is right for them, they usually stop taking it. Which is EXACTLY what Michael did. My cabinet is full of old prescriptions.

This just makes me crazy! I don't understand why the general public can't see the TRUTH here and what the media is trying to do!


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:41
Was willst du jetzt mit diesen Post sagen?

MJ hatte ein Medikamentenproblem, nicht umsonst war er mal in einer Entzugsklinik. Und ganz davon abgesehen, hat man es ihm auch teilweise angesehen. Und wenn jemand Propofol als die einzige Möglichkeit sieht, schlafen zu können, dann spricht man sehr wohl von einem "Drogenproblem".


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:47
Michael war aber kein Drogensüchtiger, im Sinne, was wir unter Drogen verstehen. Er war Medikamentenabhängig und das sehr stark. Das sind viele andere Menschen auch, die nennt man auch nicht drogensüchtig.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:54 (Video: Michael Jackson is Not a Drug Addict! - His Personal Nurse Speak Out)


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:58
Das sagt man nur so in Amiland, da heißt es dann "drug addicted" sprich, da gibt es kein spezielles Wort für Medikamentenabhängig, da "Drug" auch Medikament oder Droge heißt.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 20:59
@all hier was anderes


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 21:00


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 21:01


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 21:06
Das video rührt mich echt zu Tränen.
Sorry dass das letzte erst das ganze ist.


Die Legende des King of Pop Michael Jackson

17.03.2011 um 21:12
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:....und da muß auch keiner unterschreiben oder seine Einwilligung geben.
sorry, wenn ich nochmals auf das Thema komme, aber dann ist Schluß damit
wie ist es dann wenn der Verstrobene einer Glaubensgemeinschaft angehört wo das nicht so erlaubt ist? darf man da auch so einfach rumschnipslen?
also bei uns im KH muß ein Angehöriger seine Einwilligung geben und es wird natürlich nicht jeder obduziert - nur wenn man es für erforderlich hält.
so, das wars, Schluß mit diesem Thema

