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The fastest way to practice your english

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The fastest way to practice your english

15.01.2016 um 10:53
Same. I have friends who live oversea and the only way to communicate is using English. However, I had a very good English teacher back at school and I really enjoyed the subject. Her exercises were always a challenge and I'm very grateful for that because they teached me proper basic English.


The fastest way to practice your english

11.02.2016 um 21:47
I often translate favourite songs or watch interviews of my favourite singers, that help me so much !
Sometimes, I speak english with my friends for fun - a good way to improve your pronunciation ! :)

Or looking for penpals in english - speaking countrys.. I've two and that's pretty awesome :D


The fastest way to practice your english

25.12.2020 um 03:56
So you want to practice a language that you already speak and understand well? Or do you want to learn a new one, which appears to me to be much more difficult?

I keep myself from losing the English language by reading Wikipedia articles, watching YouTube and stuff like that.
My French, on the other hand, is far too bad for doing that.

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The fastest way to practice your english

26.01.2021 um 17:05
In my opinion, communication on message boards is a good means to brush up your syntactic and stylistic skills. Also read books and newspaper articles and learn as many unknown words as possible, and watch some news broadcasts and try to understand what is being said.


The fastest way to practice your english

01.04.2021 um 01:30
- Listen to English radio programmes.
- Get a tutor or a tandem partner - speaking is a very important skill (but it is important that you correct each other. Not every single mistake needs to be corrected but frequent ones). Choose a topic such as "environmental protection" that you would like to talk about or a newspaper article so you can integrate technical vocabulary into your speech.
- Write essays (even if it is only short essays) but get them corrected.


The fastest way to practice your english

01.05.2021 um 12:35
I started by reading, watching, thinking in English. Watch English movies with English subtitles on, not German subtitles--that helps you understand the pronunciation. Then, communicating in English online. Finally, I happened to move to the US 14 years ago-- being fully immersed made a huge difference.


The fastest way to practice your english

05.01.2022 um 20:39
I learned quite a lot by translating song-lyrics.

Also VERY helpful:
Watching english/ american movies and shows in english with ENGLISH subtitles.


The fastest way to practice your english

24.01.2024 um 21:00
Good day!

I used to practice English by consuming English/American Television in the 1990s (Sky News, CNN, MTV). It worked. When I was cut off from those services in 2000, my English deteriorated quickly.
Currently, I use a lot of Enlish media, especially TV-series and movies on DVD and books, to hone my language skills. English, like any other capability, needs practice if you want to maintain a certain level of excellence.
Active use of the English language is closely related to hearing and understanding. However, I try to attend at least two international conferences per year to keep my ability to speak alive.

Kind regards

