FUNERAL. Take 1 Prologue Coffin with 'MJ's body' was brought to the Forest Lawn cemetery the night before. All the journalists and Michael's fans gathered around the cemetery were asked to clear the territory. The gate was closed, the part of the street lamps were out and the coffin was being unloaded under car headlights only. The death car went into the lobby to keep the coffin out of sight. We realize that the family didn't want it to go public, but why so mysterious? Chapter 1 The whole Jackson' s family gathered together for the close lying-in-state in the cemetery. Later the coffin was loaded into the death car to be brought in the direction opposite Staples Center. Journalists and fans were standing surprised. Than procession turn around and went to the place of public ceremony. Too surprising. Did they forget where they were going to go? Chapter 2 Staples Center. The gold coffin is in front of the stage, famous people deliver the speeches. BUT....there are no close friends of MJ at all. Where are Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor, Macaulay Culkin, Quincy Jones, Oprah Winfrey? As we heard later their presence was refused by the family. That's ridiculously fake excuse . No one saw MJ's ex-wives ether. Later some of those absent gave their unconvincing explanations on theirs websites: "we can not", "don't want to go to the funeral again", "don't want take part in this public performance" and so on. We can't explain convincingly such behavior too. Chapter 3 The coffin. Off-size, isn't it? Body stretches for about 4 inches after the death. MJ is 70 inches + 4 inches + 8 inches of coffin = 82 inches. Did you see a coffin that large there? Chapter 4 The ceremony was strange as well. There were no musicians who worked with Michael last time. Where were Kayne West,, Ne-yo? Chapter 5 The Children. Children and animals are the best actors. Before his 'death' Michael took off theirs masks. It was done with single purpose of making the ceremony the more convincing and dramatic. Many people think that the fact that children where present at the ceremony is major proof for Michael Jackson's death to be true. It was the idea. But as to special delicacy of the situation we maintain that daddy's drawn on his imagination to dish up the Memorial Service as an amazing spectacular. It's worthy of note that Paris is a rather dramatically hopeful little girl obviously likely to rise. The next Meryl Strip or someone, isn't she? FUNERAL. Take 1 260.76 КБ Prologue Coffin with 'MJ's body' was brought to the Forest Lawn cemetery the night before. All the journalists and Michael's fans gathered around the cemetery were asked to clear the territory. The gate was closed, the part of the street lamps were out and the coffin was being unloaded under car headlights only. The death car went into the lobby to keep the coffin out of sight. We realize that the family didn't want it to go public, but why so mysterious? Chapter 1 The whole Jackson' s family gathered together for the close lying-in-state in the cemetery. Later the coffin was loaded into the death car to be brought in the direction opposite Staples Center. Journalists and fans were standing surprised. Than procession turn around and went to the place of public ceremony. Too surprising. Did they forget where they were going to go? Chapter 2 Staples Center. The gold coffin is in front of the stage, famous people deliver the speeches. BUT....there are no close friends of MJ at all. Where are Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor, Macaulay Culkin, Quincy Jones, Oprah Winfrey? As we heard later their presence was refused by the family. That's ridiculously fake excuse . No one saw MJ's ex-wives ether. Later some of those absent gave their unconvincing explanations on theirs websites: "we can not", "don't want to go to the funeral again", "don't want take part in this public performance" and so on. We can't explain convincingly such behavior too. Chapter 3 The coffin. Off-size, isn't it? Body stretches for about 4 inches after the death. MJ is 70 inches + 4 inches + 8 inches of coffin = 82 inches. Did you see a coffin that large there? Chapter 4 The ceremony was strange as well. There were no musicians who worked with Michael last time. Where were Kayne West,, Ne-yo? Chapter 5 The Children. Children and animals are the best actors. Before his 'death' Michael took off theirs masks. It was done with single purpose of making the ceremony the more convincing and dramatic. Many people think that the fact that children where present at the ceremony is major proof for Michael Jackson's death to be true. It was the idea. But as to special delicacy of the situation we maintain that daddy's drawn on his imagination to dish up the Memorial Service as an amazing spectacular. It's worthy of note that Paris is a rather dramatically hopeful little girl obviously likely to rise. The next Meryl Strip or someone, isn't she? 81.53 КБ Chapter 6 Jarmain's hand easily resting into his pocket while he was carrying the coffin finally made the day. It brought to our notice as unnatural thing to the event and of course unnatural for a brother in grief. Epilogue The funeral cortège was followed with tremendous applause, then disappeared completely in an unknown direction. And some days after Joe Jackson said to Larry King that he had not ever seen Michael dead and he did not know where his son's body has been kept since the memorial service. No comment. What was the reason for the farewell ceremony no one was going to get burred. All this situation keeps more questions than answers. P.S.: Pay the most attention to Michael Jackson's photo from 'Liberian girl' music video appearing during the whole ceremony. Smile, you're on the candid camera. That's just a secret filming directed by Michael Jackson the one. And to words: 'I'm alive and I'm here forever'. Is this it?