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dechavog2 (40 minutes ago) Show Hide
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You can see it enough where is should'nt have that dark shade underneath. Open your eyes wider!!
missmelaniemanson (9 hours ago) Show Hide
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thanks for making all these videos :D
mootiepootie (11 hours ago) Show Hide
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mysterymami08 I never knew they did cash transactions like that in court either and the money looks very strange
willeyd145 (13 hours ago) Show Hide
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lol i believe michael is still alive, but what was the point of this video? it proves nothing.
Cherstars (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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u cannot even see it properly c'mon!
mysterymami08 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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Is it just me (I stand corrected if I'm wrong) but I didn't think they did cash transactions in court like that??? or do they?
dechavog2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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Not that I have many 100 dollar bills lying but there is not one that i seen so far that has a shade under his jawline. May not be gilda but that money is fake!
dechavog2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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You're the best!! Keep up the good work!!
lizzielou73 (16 hours ago) Show Hide
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Wonderful job!
58mjfan (18 hours ago) Show Hide
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yeah, that money does look weird, the money in court gives the impression of a 'clean' jaw line... also the footage of the guys in court is strange.... lol.... it just gets weirder... at least we know dr murray isn't just a computer animation now.... ;)

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