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Michael Jackson Death Hoax - This is it Movie Clues Part I

Michael Jackson is alive! This is my review of the movie TII, referring to the death hoax. Many clues were given within the movie and I´ve pointed out very important ones for you. No copyright in...  

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This is a video response to MICHAEL JACKSON((ALIVE)) AT HIS OWN MEMORIAL
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arcoiris707 (23 hours ago) Show Hide
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It makes me sooo sad. :( Some of these theories are kinda believable. But I agree with you. I think Michael would never do this to us...he's amazing. <3
99999Blume (1 day ago) Show Hide
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I think, Michael died really (or evtl. was murdered). But he was so much bigger then life, that sooo much people can't belief, that he is gone; even 5 month after...
TheTruthAboutMJJ (1 day ago) Show Hide
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Ja, Michael stellt in der Szene aus "Gilda" wirklich den Charakter dar, der im Film zunächst für Tod erklärt wird, nachdem sein Flugzeug abgestürzt ist. Später im Film kehrt dieser dann aber bewaffnet zurück... Und du hast Recht, die Trauer sah wirklich verdammt echt aus...aber man kann nie wissen. Es ist wirklich alles sehr verwirrend.
arcoiris707 (1 day ago) Show Hide
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It's something about science...I think scientists believe that in we have 4 years to minimize global warming, pollution (etc, etc), and after those four years, it only gets worse. (Not that I believe it..just trying ti helo answer your question.) What do you think about this whole HOAX idea?
99999Blume (2 days ago) Show Hide
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One line in the film makes me think every day: "We have 4 years to change the world..." or "... to change something...". What did Michael mean??????? Did you hear it, too
99999Blume (2 days ago) Show Hide
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Wow, till now I was sure, he died. But is it real, that he playe the man, who faked his own dead in this film (I dont know this film, iam from germany). As i read this, i got really frightened. i could understand, if michael did this; but i think, the sadness from his mother and kids were real, dont you think so???
benmoonrocks (2 days ago) Show Hide
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I know by that mj will come back. I'm sure.
MusicLuhve (2 days ago) Show Hide
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The line that really got me was in "They Don't Really Care About Us" which was:

"I'm tired of being the victim of shame, they're throwing me in a class with a bad name....I can't believe this is the land from which I came"
Sound familiar?
MusicLuhve (2 days ago) Show Hide
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Damn, that's just sad benmoonrocks.
I don't know if therapy will even help poor little Blanket.
mjgreatestfan (3 days ago) Show Hide
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really very good,its ture how can one could take so much pain,inspite of everything, he has his own right to live his life peacefully,we still love u king of pop,u r the best for ever

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